Saints' vision of heaven. Visions of saints during the liturgy


One day, Elder Niphon, having prayed to God in the evening, lay down to rest on the stones as usual. It was midnight and he couldn’t sleep. Looking at the sky and stars, at the pure light of the moon, he began to think about his sins and about the approaching day of the Lord’s Judgment. Suddenly the sky began to roll up like a scroll and Jesus Christ appeared to his gaze, standing in the Power and Glory of the entire Heavenly army: angels, archangels, armies terrible in their strength, divided into regiments and subordinate to his Stratigi.

Jesus made a sign to one of the strategists and said:

“Michael. Michael, guardian of the will, take the Throne of My Glory with your army and place it in the valley of Jehoshaphat, and there you will install it at the place of my First Coming. Because the time is approaching for each to receive according to his deeds.

Do this quickly, because the time is coming for Me to judge those who worshiped idols and did not accept Me as their Creator.

Because they loved the stones and wood that I gave them to use for their needs. They will all crumble like clay pots.

Including the heretics who separated Me from My Father, who dared to speak of the Comforter of the Soul as a creature. Woe to them, hell awaits them now.

Now I will show the Jews who crucified me and did not believe in My Divinity. I have been given all the Power and Authority. I am a Right and Honest Judge.

Then, when they crucified me on the Cross, they laughed and said: he saved others, let him save himself. Now I have retribution and I will repay it.

I will judge this corrupt generation and seed, and I will test and punish, because they did not repent when I gave them the opportunity. I gave them opportunities to repent, and they were proud. Now I will exact retribution.

I will also repay the sodomites, who with their deeds filled the earth and air with their stench. Then I burned them and now I will burn them, because they did not want the Grace of the Holy Spirit, but wanted the benefits of the devilish spirit.

I will punish all the monks who did not remain obedient and entered the darkness like wild, unleashed stallions. They did not save themselves in their wedding and tonsure, but turned senseless into fornication, which was a trap for them from the devil, bound them with this and threw them into the depths of hell. Haven’t you heard about the fear of falling into the hands of the condemnation of God Zhivago? Have you heard about the punishment I will apply to such people? I called on them to repent and they did not repent.

I will condemn all the thieves who even went so far as to murder with their deeds. I gave them the opportunity to change, but they did not attach any importance to it. Where are their righteous deeds? I showed them the prodigal son as an example so that they would not lose hope, but they did not look at My laws and denied Me. And they turned to sin and went to it. So let them go into the eternal fire, which they themselves kindled.

But I will also give up all those who held a grudge to the torments that they deserve, because they did not want My peace, but remained angry, bile and evil in life.

I will destroy those who are envious of gold and give money in interest over the riches of those who pray, and will throw all My wrath on them, because they had hope in gold and did not want to know Me, as if they did not know My concern for them.

And those false Christians who argued that there is no Resurrection from the dead, but reincarnation occurs - I will melt them in the fire of Gehenna like candles; then they will believe in the Resurrection.

Poisoners, magicians and everyone similar to them will be tormented mercilessly.

Woe to those who get drunk and play guitars, indulge in deranged joy, dance vilely and think cunningly. I called them, but they did not hear Me and complained about Me. Now let the worm eat their hearts. He granted mercy and repentance to everyone, but no one paid attention to it.

I will drive into darkness all those who did not respect the Holy Scriptures, written through the Saints by the Holy Spirit.

I also judge those who are engaged in the enterprises of the devil’s wars and have hopes in their swords, their shields, their spears, and so on. Then they will learn that there should be hope only in God, and not in His creatures. They will be afraid and want to justify themselves, but they will not be able to, because I am the Judge, and I reward.

I will condemn all the kings and rulers who upset me with their lack of rights. Ruling dishonestly and to the detriment of the people, judging dishonestly and proudly, to the detriment of the people and taking bribes for this. My power is incorruptible. For untruth they are subject to disappearance. Then they will understand how terrible I am and take away the power of the rulers. Then they will understand that I am the most terrible of all the kings of the earth. Woe to them, hell awaits them!!! Because with gnashing of teeth they shed innocent blood, the blood of their children and daughters!!!

But to what wrath will I expose those who, accepting payment from me for their labors, were not true shepherds? Who destroyed My vineyard and scattered My sheep? Who shepherded gold and silver, and not souls; and demanded alms out of profit? What will be their punishment? How bad will the punishment be? I will pour out My wrath on them with all My strength, I will destroy them! They dreamed of having sheep and calves in their flocks, but they did not think about My sheep, they were not interested in them. I will punish you with My staff and with My whip you will be beaten for your sins.

But also the priests who laugh and feel in My churches as in their own home - how will I punish them? I will send them to eternal fire and to Tartarus.

I have come and am going - does anyone have the courage to meet Me? But woe to the one who has a sinful essence and falls into my hands!!! Because everyone will appear before Me naked and naked. Will he then be able to brazenly appear before Me? Can you look Me in the face? In what beauty will they appear before My Almighty power?

I will also judge all the monks who did not fulfill the vows given to God and those who departed from them; guilty before Angels and Men. Those who swore to do one thing and did another? From the heights of the clouds I will throw them into the abyss!!! They were not satisfied with their own iniquities, but they also attracted others. It would be better for them not to renounce the world than to renounce living in malice and fornication.

I AM A JUDGE. I will reward everyone who did not want to repent. I will judge them, for I am the Righteous Judge."

These words of Christ resounded like thunder among the entire army of the Powers of Christ. After this, the Lord ordered to bring Him SEVEN CENTURIES of human life. And again Michael the Archangel carried out this order. He brought them from the House of the Covenant. These were huge books. Then he stood at a distance, watching the Lord leaf through the history of centuries.

"Father, Son and Holy Spirit One God in Three Persons. From the Father was born the Son and Creator of the Ages. Because the Word of the Father, the Son created the Ages; invisible Forces were created. Heaven was established. The Earth. The earthly elements. Seas. Rivers and everything that lives in Them .

The image of the invisible God is the first man Adam and his wife Eve. Adam was given instructions from the Almighty God of all visible and invisible creation. One Law was given, which had to be fulfilled by all means for the safety of the people themselves; This Law had to be fulfilled exactly so that they would remember Their Creator, and that HE is always above them."

“The violation of the law in the image of God occurred from the inattention and thoughtlessness of this act and from the cunning deception into which he was led. Man sinned and was expelled from paradise. The righteous decision and sentence of God. The violator could not be in the Holy Place of God!!! "

"Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him, at the instigation of the devil. He must burn in fiery hell, since he did not repent of this sin. But Abel is worthy of eternal life."

And so he gradually read all the books of the Ages until he reached the end - to the Seventh Age, reading:

"The beginning of the Seventh Age is the end of all ages. The main sign of this age is unkindness and cruelty, lies and asplakhnia - (barrenness or not giving birth to good fruits). The people of the Seventh Century are cunning, murderers with feigned love, vicious, easily falling into sodomy and its sins .

“Truly this Seventh Age has surpassed all previous ones in its evil and wickedness and fornication!”

“The Greeks and their idols were overthrown and destroyed at the moment when My incorruptible body was hung on the Cross and nails were driven into It.”

He was silent for a moment and looked back at the book:

“The Twelve Lords of the Greatest King, snow-white as light, agitated the Sea, closed the mouths of beasts, enlightened the blind, strangled spiritual dragons, fed the hungry and made the rich beggars. Like fishermen, they caught many dead souls, giving them life again. Great is their reward from Me!! !

I, the Loving One, have chosen the witnesses who fight for My Glory. And their friendship reached to Heaven, and their love to My throne. And their passion reaches My heart and their adoration burns My heart. And My Glory and My Kingdom are with them!!!"

Turning his head upward he whispered:

"Oh, My most beautiful and most precious Bride. How many villains tried to torture and infect you!!! But You did not betray Me - Your Bridegroom!!! Countless heresies threatened you, but the stone on which You were installed did not slip. Because the gates of hell yes They will not defeat you!!!"

Then I began to read about people who died and did not wash their deeds with repentance. And there were as many of them as grains of sand on the seashore. He read about everyone and shook His head with displeasure and sighed with heaviness and bitterness. An innumerable multitude of angels froze next to Him, in awe, seeing the righteous anger of the Judge. Reaching the middle of the Century, he said:

“This Age is filled with the stench of sins from human affairs, which are deceitful and stinking: corruption, murder, enmity, hatred and malice.

ENOUGH! I WILL STOP HIM IN THE MIDDLE!!! I will end the reign of sin!

And speaking these angry words, he gave a sign to the Archangel Michael to make the sign of Judgment. After which, he and his army lifted the throne of the Lord and left. After him, Gabriel withdrew with his army, singing psalms and “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. All and all the earth be His Glory!”

After this greatest oath, heaven and earth rejoiced. They were followed by His third Archangel, Raphael, with his army, singing the hymn “You are Holy, Lord Jesus Christ, to the Glory of God the Father. Amen.”

Finally, they were followed by the fourth army, led by its ruler, who was White and Shiny like Light and had the appearance of the Sweetest. And they sang the hymn as they departed, “The God of Gods, the Lord, prophesied and called the earth from the rising of the Sun to its setting. From Zion is His Goodness and Splendor. Our Visible God has appeared and our God will not remain silent! From Him fire comes and the storm rages around Him. God rises to judge the earth and everything that was in it, the nations inherited." The commander of this army is Uriel.

After some time, they brought His glorified Cross before the Lord. And it shone with light like lightning, and spread an indescribably sweet smell around. He was accompanied by two troops of Trust and Strength. The vision of this was very magnificent and full of greatness. Numerous Angelic Powers harmoniously sang the psalms: “I exalt Thee, my God, my King, hallowed be Thy Name forever. Amen.” And others sang "I magnify You, Lord, and the footstool of Your feet, Holy are You! Hallelujah. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!"

Then the Lord’s command was again given to the Holding Archangel Michael to approach him. At the same hour, one Angel appeared holding a huge and loud trumpet. The Lord took His trumpet in His hands, blew it three times and spoke three words. Then he gave it to Mikhail and ordered him:

“I command you with all your army of God to scatter throughout the whole earth, and to gather Me on the clouds all My saints from the south, and from the north, and from the east, and from the west. And to gather them all here to greet Me, as soon as the trumpet blows pipe."

After all this, the Righteous Judge glanced at the earth and saw... Darkness, fog, bitterness, sadness, grief and soot. The terrible tyranny of Satan is everywhere! With mania and monstrously quickly, the dragon destroys and burns everything around like grass, seeing the angels of the Lord preparing eternal fire for him.

As soon as the Lord saw all this, he immediately called an angel, looking fiery, stern and terrible, merciless, who had an army under his command, watching over the fire of hell, and said to him:

“Take My staff, which binds and destroys, take with you an innumerable army of your angels, the most terrible, who keep watch over hell and everyone in it. Go to the thinking Sea and find traces of the prince who rules it (the sea). Seize him with force hard and beat him with My staff mercilessly until he gives you every last one from the army of his cunning spirits and throw him into the farthest and barren circles of hell!!!

And after this was prepared, a sign was given to the angel holding the trumpet to blow loudly. At that same hour, there was suddenly silence, as if the universe had stopped. Fear and horror gripped the Universe. All things in heaven and earth trembled with fear. And then the trumpet sounded for the third time and its sound alarmed the whole world. And the dead rose in the blink of an eye. A terrible vision.

There were more of them than sand in the sea. At the same time, like thick rain, angels descended to the earth to prepare a place for the throne and loudly proclaimed: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the God of hosts and a terror to everything and everyone on earth!” All the people of the earth stood and looked with fear and horror at the Divine power descending to the earth. At this time, when those standing looked up, an incredibly strong earthquake and thunder and lightning began. On the plain prepared for the Judgment. And everyone was even more scared.

Then the firmament of heaven began to roll up like a scroll and the Honorable Cross of the Lord appeared, glowing like the sun and emitting wondrous Divine rainbows around. Angels held him before our Lord Jesus Christ and the Judge of all peoples and tribes, who was approaching.

A little more and a hymn unknown to us began to be heard: “Evlogimenos o erchomenos en onomata Kyriu. Theos Kyrios.krytys exusiastys.archon irinis.” "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! The Lord God is the Judge and Ruler, the Beginning of the world!" As soon as this loud praise ends, the Judge appears on the clouds, sitting on a throne of fire and flooding both heaven and earth with His light.

Everyone on earth, both the angels and the resurrected ones, and those who saw all this froze... And suddenly those resurrected from the dead began gradually, first one, then the other, to shine and glow. At that very moment they were caught up in the clouds and rushed to meet the Lord. But still, the majority remained below, no one picked them up. And they were overwhelmed with sadness and grief, because they were not worthy to rise upward, and it was like poison and bile in their souls. They all fell to their knees before the Lord and stood up again.

And the Terrible Judge sat on the prepared throne and His heavenly army gathered around Him and fear and horror seized everyone! All who were caught up in the clouds to answer before God were at His right. The rest were placed to the left of the Judge.

These were Jews, nobles, rulers, bishops, priests, kings, a great many monks and ordinary people. They stood ashamed, humiliated and saddened by their unknown. Their faces expressed sadness and torment, and they sighed loudly and sadly. Everyone was in deep sadness, and did not see any consolation coming to them.

Everyone who stood to the right of the Lord seemed to be luminous, like sunlight. Only this glow differed in the tones of color on each of them. Some were bronze in color, others were white, and others were copper. They all had a decorous appearance and were each distinguished by their glory. There was a glow from them like lightning. And may the Lord forgive me - all of them were like Him in their glory.

The Lord turned His head and looked in every direction. Looking to the right, His gaze expressed contentment and He smiled. But when he looked to the left, he became indignant and angry, and turned his face away from them.

“Come, you blessed of My Father, and inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the creation of the world. I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you gave me shelter. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me."

They were surprised and answered:

“Lord, we have never seen You hungry and have not fed You. We have never seen You thirsty, and have not given You something to drink. We have never seen You as a stranger, and have not sheltered You. We have never seen You naked, and have not given You clothing We never saw You in illness, and we never visited You. We never saw You in prison, and we never came to You.”

He answered:

“I say Amen. Just as you once did this to the least of my brothers, you did it to me.”

Turning his head towards those being expelled, he said menacingly and with disgust:

“Depart from Me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. I was hungry and you did not feed Me. I was thirsty and you did not give Me something to drink. I was a stranger and you did not shelter Me. I was naked and you did not clothe Me. I was sick and you did not visit Me. I was in prison and you did not come to Me."

And they asked in surprise:

"Lord, when we saw You in prison and did not come to You"

And He answered:

“Amen, I say. Since you did not do this for My least brothers, then you did not do it to Me. Get out of My sight, curse of the earth. In Tartarus - where the gnashing of teeth is heard. And your torment and grief will be endless.”

As soon as I made this decision, a huge fiery stream flowed from the sunrise, which flowed violently to the west, it was as wide as the sea. And the sinners who were on the left side of the Lord began to tremble, frightened, and seeing that they had no hope of salvation. But the Righteous Judge ordered everyone - both those faithful to him and those unfaithful - to enter the stream of fire, to be tested by fire.

Those on His right were the first to enter the stream. And they came out shining like melted gold. And their deeds did not burn out, but showed lordship and dedication. And for this they were rewarded with the embrace of the Lord. After them those who had been expelled came to the stream and entered the stream to be tested by their deeds. But since they were sinners, the fire began to burn them, and the stream pulled them into itself. And their deeds burned like straw, but their bodies were gone, but remained to burn for years and for centuries endlessly along with the devil and his demons. And none of them could get out of this fiery stream. And they became hostages in the fire because they deserved this condemnation and punishment.

As soon as hell took the sinners, the righteous Judge stood up from His throne, surrounded by angels, standing in reverent fear of Him and singing psalms:"Lift up your high gates, and lift up the eternal doors, and the King of glory will come in! The Lord God. The God of Gods, together with Him, all his saints, will enjoy an eternal inheritance."

And the other army continued to sing along: “Blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord, with all who have been honored with the grace of being called His sons. The Lord God and the sons of New Zion appeared with Him.” And the Archangels, welcoming the new inhabitants, moved away in all directions, singing: “Come into the arms of God, you who have not betrayed God our Savior. You who came and confessed Him in psalmody invariably.” And the next army sang: “God is the Great Lord and the Great King and sat down on the earth and firmly holds in His hand the whole earth and everything around it.”

This and other singing was listened to by all those who were with Jesus Christ, heading towards the Heavenly Chamber of the Lord, and the hearts of all the saints trembled with joy. And immediately the gates of the wedding house closed behind them.

And then the Heavenly King called upon his supreme Archangels. And Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel appeared to Him. And the commanders of their armies.

And behind them came the Twelve Lights of the World - the Apostles. And the Lord gave them brilliant Glory and twelve thrones, so that they could sit close to their teacher Christ in great honor. And they looked brilliant and indescribable. Their clothes shone with eternal light. They were majestic and transparent like pearls, that even the Archangels looked at them in admiration. At the end he gave them twelve crystal crowns, adorned with precious stones, which sparkled dazzlingly when held over their heads by glorious angels.

After this, 70 apostles came to the Royal throne. They also received well-deserved honors and awards. Only their crowns were more brilliant and wonderful.

Now it is the turn of the martyrs. They accepted glory and a place in the great army of angels, taking the place of the army thrown down from heaven along with Dennitsa. The martyrs became angels and commanders of the armies of heaven. And the saints immediately brought them crowns and placed them on their heads. As the sun shines, so did they shine. And so the holy martyrs, in divine glory, rejoiced immeasurably and hugged each other.

Then they brought in the divine throne of hierarchs, priests, deacons and other clergy and they were crowned with unfading and eternal crowns, corresponding to their zeal and patience in their spiritual feat. Each wreath was distinguished from the other in glory. Because the stars are different from one another. Thus, priests and deacons became more brilliant than other hierarchs. They were also given each one a temple to offer a spiritual sacrifice to the Lord and most holy thanksgiving to Him.

Then the holy assembly of the prophets entered. The Lord gave them the fragrance of incense - the psalter of David and the harp, and the timbrels, and the dancing light, the shining dawn, an inexpressible embrace of love and the praise of the Holy Spirit. Then the Lord of the Heavenly Chamber asked them to sing psalms. And they began to perform a melody that made everyone else moved and filled with grace. Having received their gifts from the Savior, they remained awaiting the subsequent rewards. And those rewards were such that the human eye had never seen such, and the human ear had never heard, and had never entered the hearts of men.

Then a large gathering of people who had been saved in the world entered: poor and rulers, kings and private owners, slaves and free. And they stood before the Lord, and He divided them into the merciful and the compassionate, and into the blameless. And he gave them the Paradise of Eden - heavenly and bright chambers, rich and magnificent crowns, consecration and embraces, thrones and scepters and angels to serve them.

Then those who, in the name of Christ, became “poor in spirit” entered and were exalted unusually. By His hand the Lord gave them crowns of extraordinary beauty and they inherited the Kingdom of Heaven.

Then those who lamented their sins received enormous consolation from the Holy Trinity.

Then the righteous and kindly inherited the heavenly earth, where the sweetest and most beautiful fragrance of the Spirit of God flows. And they experienced unknown pleasure and pleasure from what this holy land gave them. And their crowns emitted a peach-colored light, as if before dawn.

Then those who “hunkered for spiritual truth and justice” entered. They were given the honor of truth and truth as payment for their quest for justice. And their greatest reward was to see the Exalted Lord Jesus Christ, glorified and blessed by everyone and everything, saints and angels.

And then “those persecuted for justice” entered. And they were given honor and given miraculous life, and glory from God. And indescribable thrones were set up for them so that they could sit in the Kingdom of Heaven. And crowns were given to them, like melted silver and gold, having an unearthly light, so that the angels, seeing this light, would rejoice.

Then after them came an innumerable number of pagans (here I want to add on my own behalf that in all the original Greek this word has the meaning of nations and peoples), who did not know the law given by Christ, but on their own, having in themselves the goodness and truth of conscience. Many of them were like the sun from their purity and naivety. The Lord gave them a carefree Paradise, crowns shimmering in steel color and decorated with lilies and roses. But because they were not baptized, they were blind. They did not see the glory of the Lord, because baptism is the light and eye of the soul. Therefore, the one who did not receive baptism, but worked tirelessly and did good, receives the joys of paradise and all its benefits, enjoys its fragrance and sweetness, but cannot see all its splendor.

Then the Bridegroom entered and saw the whole holy army - those who were the children of Christians. They all looked about thirty years old. Christ looked at them with joy in his eyes and said:

“Oh, the robe of baptism not made by hands. But I don’t see any work. What should I do with you?”

And they answered him bravely: “Lord, we were deprived of Your blessings on earth, so do not deny them to us now that we have approached You.”

And Christ smiled again and gave them heavenly blessings. They received their crowns of chastity for their kindness in all matters; all the armies of saints and angels looked at them in admiration. It was a miracle to see all these hosts of holy angels, solemnly singing sweet hymns, delighted with these actions of the Lord.

Then the Groom looks - the Bride, illuminated by the magnificent Divine light, approaches Him, spreading around her throughout the Chamber the incense of heavenly divine myrrh. And on Her most beautiful head shone an incomparable royal crown, radiating light. And the angels were blinded by Her beauty, and the saints froze at Her reverent sight. The grace of the Holy Spirit held over Her like a diadem.

She entered the divine palace in an innumerable multitude of virgins, continuously singing hymns and glorifying and praising God. When the Great Queen approached the Bridegroom, together with Her entourage of holy virgins, she bowed to Him three times. Then the Great Caller, struck by Her beauty, bowed his head before His Great Mother, giving Her part and glory.

She approached Him with the greatest reverence and grace, and They embraced; She pressed an immortal and undying kiss to His hand. After this divine kiss, the Lord gifted all the virgins with brilliant dresses and multi-colored super-bright crowns. And immediately all the spiritual Powers approached Them, singing hymns and praising and sanctifying HER.

Then the Bridegroom stood up from his throne, and with His Mother on the right, and with the Greatest Forerunner of the Miracle-Working One on the left, he headed towards the exit from the bridal chamber towards the Chamber of God, in which were countless gifts, which the human eye has never seen, which the ear has never heard of. human, and thoughts about them never entered the human heart. As soon as everyone around Him saw these gifts, they were filled with grace and began to celebrate and rejoice.

But Elder Niphon could not describe all the joy with which all those who loved God were filled. And no matter how much they asked him about this, he answered: “My children, I cannot describe all this, because there are no such human words and feelings that could describe this action taking place next to the Savior.”

Here you go.

"When He divided among all His saints those gifts, indescribable and unprecedented, He called the Cherubim to Himself to surround His throne. Then He said that they should be surrounded by their Seraphim. Behind them are the Powers of Those Holding the Thrones. The Initial Holders and the Heavenly Powers, and the Powers of the Heavenly Powers. To become like a wall surrounding a wall.

To the right of the Chamber of Ages, in great deanery stood Michael and his army. Gabriel and his army stood on the left. Uriel and his army stood in the west. And Raphael with his army stood in the east. And this army was so numerous and great. And they girded the wonderful House of God, as if with a great radiance. And all this was fulfilled according to the commandment of the Lord, the Great God and Savior of all saints."

But the greatest revelation was given to Saint Niphon at the end.

The Great Father HIMSELF of His only begotten Son, the Parent, the Unseen and Unhidden Light suddenly shone together with the Son and the Holy Spirit from above above this vast Chamber and the Forces surrounding it. He illuminated this purest Chamber with all its Powers, just as the Sun illuminates the entire earth. Thus the Father of Mercy illuminated everything and everyone.

And just as a sponge absorbs wine and holds it, so all the saints absorbed into themselves and were filled with the ineffable three-solar Divine Light and thus reigned continuously for all eternity. From this hour there is neither day nor night for all of them. There is only God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - the tenderness of unflickering life, pleasure and pleasure.

Then there was deep silence.

And after him, the first army, surrounding the Chamber forever and ever, performed an unspeakable blessing and praise with many voices, and the hearts of the saints trembled with unprecedented joy and fullness. From the first army of praise they passed on to the second army of Seraphim. And they began an indescribable and unknown praise. It poured out like honey into the ears of the saints, and they rejoiced indescribably with all their feelings.

Their eyes saw an unprecedented light. And they absorbed the divine smell. Their ears heard the hymns of the eternal divine powers. And their lips tasted the new Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven. Their hands rose up in gratitude for these gifts, and their feet danced. So they experienced all their feelings and were filled with inexpressible joy. So the hymns passed from one army to another in seven circles. And the four columns of God - His four pillars - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel sang psalms.

Has any of us ever heard perfect harmony? And their hymns were both terrifying and loud. So the hymns were heard inside the Chamber and outside. Sacred songs!!! They kindled the hearts of the saints with rapturous love for endless centuries."

When the saint saw all this in great ecstasy, he heard the voice of God to him: “Niphon, Niphon, your prophetic vision was beautiful!!! Write down everything you saw and heard in the smallest detail, because this is exactly how everything will happen!!!

I showed you all this because you are my faithful friend, beloved child, and heir to My Kingdom. Be sure that I have now considered you worthy to be a witness of these Holy Mysteries. For I am watching over all the upright and peaceful, who tremble at My word." (meaning those who keep the law of the Lord)

Having said this, the Lord freed Niphon from a terrible and many-wonderful vision, in which he spent two weeks in the spirit. When Niphon came to his senses, he sat in sadness, thoughtfulness and great repentance. His tears flowed like a river and he said:

"Incredible. How did I get such mercy as a prodigal. What awaits my pitiful soul? How can I be there, a sinner! How can I apologize to the Judge! Where will I hide my sins? Oh, worldly and unfortunate. I don’t sigh and I don’t shed tears for I have no repentance!!! I don’t do charity, I don’t give alms!!! I don’t have any love!!! not awards!!!

What should I do, poor and weak? Where should I go, what should I do to save my soul? What position will we find ourselves in there, sinners!!! And how can we give an answer for our earthly deeds before the Judge!!! Where can I hide so many of my sins? Oh worldly and miserable!!! I don’t know what to do!!!

My eyes see only my shame and my face is in shame!!! With my ears I listen to demonic songs!!! Through my nose I inhale the earthly, caressing smells!!! I fill my mouth with polyeating. Woe is me, woe!!! My hands hold on to sin!!! My body rolls only about the swamp of sin and idleness, wants only to lie in bed and overeat!!! Oh, lawless and darkened and destroyed!!! Where should I run!!! Who will save me from the darkness of inner Tartarus!!! Who will save me from gnashing my teeth? Woe is me!!!

I disdain myself as vile and disgusting!!! It would have been better for me not to have been born!!! Oh, what Glory I can lose, dark one!!! What payment, what crowns, how much joy, joy will I lose because I submitted to sin!!! Poor soul!!! Where will you go? What will you choose? Where is your struggle, where are your virtues?

Woe to you, sinner and unfortunate! Where will you belong on that day? Have you done anything good to please God? Smoked in the oven. How can you stand it? "Woe, woe, woe" in difficult times for those living on earth!!! Ah, unhappy and dirty, who only wanted to roll around in rot, working non-stop for her stomach!!! Lawless and mired in sins! What a shame for you to even try to look at Jesus!!! With what eyes will you reflect the light of the eyes of the God-man? This gentle look! Tell me, tell me!

You have seen all the miracles of the Lord that he will perform! Tell me, my soul, do you have deeds worthy of that Glory? How will you get there if you pollute the baptism from God? Woe to you then, my infected soul!!! Eternal fire lies ahead of you, and where then will sin and its father be, saving you? Lord my God! Save me from fire, from gnashing of teeth and from tartar!!!"

The saint prayed with these words ever since. On some days he was seen passing by, barely able to drag his feet, sighing bitterly and saddened with tears. Comparing everything with what he saw in the vision, he did everything he could for us with his prayer in order to deserve what was promised to him.

Often, often, when he again plunged into the memories of what he had seen, others saw him not in himself. He burned with a bright light from the appearance of the Holy Spirit and sighed, saying, “Lord, help and save my darkened soul.”

Translation from Greek by Servant of God Victoria

St. John of Kronstadt brings homeless children to the shelter.

The vision of St. Righteous John of Kronstadt (taken from the film "Visions on the Neva") about the last times and the end of the world. “Look,” the elder pointed with his hand, “do you see?!” I see mountains. - No, this mountain of human corpses is all soaked in blood. I crossed myself and asked the elder what does this mean? What kind of corpses are these? - These are monks and nuns, wanderers...

God bless! I am the sinful servant John, priest of Kronstadt, writing this vision. It was written by me and with my hand what I saw, I conveyed in writing.

On the night of January 1, 1908, after evening prayer, I sat down to rest a little at the table. It was twilight in my cell; a lamp was burning in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Less than half an hour had passed, I heard a light noise, someone lightly touched my right shoulder and a quiet, light, gentle voice said to me: “Get up, servant of God Ivan, come with me.” I quickly stood up.

I see standing in front of me: a marvelous, wonderful old man, pale, with gray hair, in a robe, with a rosary in his left hand. He looked at me sternly, but his eyes were gentle and kind. I immediately almost fell from fear, but the wonderful old man supported me - my hands and legs were trembling, I wanted to say something, but my tongue did not turn. The elder crossed me, and I felt light and joyful - I also crossed myself. Then he pointed with his staff to the western side of the wall - there he drew with the same staff: 1913, 1914, 1917, 1922, 1930, 1933, 1934. Suddenly the wall was gone. I walk with the elder across a green field and see a mass of crosses: thousands, millions, different: small and great, wooden, stone, iron, copper, silver and gold. I walked past the crosses, crossed myself and dared to ask the elder what kind of crosses these were? He kindly answered me: these are those who suffered for Christ and for the Word of God.

We go further and see: whole rivers of blood flow into the sea, and the sea is red with blood. I was horrified with fear and again asked the wonderful old man: “Why is so much blood shed?” He looked again and said to me: “This is Christian blood.”

Then the elder pointed his hand at the clouds, and I saw a mass of burning, brightly burning lamps. So they began to fall to the ground: one, two, three, five, ten, twenty. Then they began to fall in hundreds, more and more, and everyone was burning. I was very sad why they did not burn clearly, but only fell and went out, turning into dust and ashes. The elder said: look, and I saw only seven lamps on the clouds and asked the elder, what does this mean? He, bowing his head, said: “The lamps that you see falling, which means the Churches will fall into heresy, but seven burning lamps remain - seven Apostolic Cathedral Churches will remain at the end of the world.”

Then the elder pointed out to me, look, and now I see and hear a wonderful vision: The angels sang: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of hosts.” And a large mass of people walked with candles in their hands, with joyful shining faces; there were kings, princes, patriarchs, metropolitans, bishops, archimandrites, abbots, schema-monks, priests, deacons. novices, pilgrims for Christ's sake, laity, young men, youths, infants; cherubim and seraphim accompanied them to the heavenly heavenly abode.

I asked the elder: “What kind of people are these?” The elder, as if knowing my thought, said: “These are all the servants of Christ who suffered for the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ.” I again dared to ask if I could join them. The elder said: no, it’s too early for you, be patient (wait). I asked again: “Tell me, father, how are the babies?” The elder said: these babies also suffered for Christ from King Herod (14 thousand), and also those babies received crowns from the King of Heaven, who were destroyed in their mother’s womb, and the nameless ones. I crossed myself: “What a great and terrible sin a mother will have—unforgivable.”

Let's go further - we go into a large temple. I wanted to cross myself, but the elder told me: “There is abomination and desolation here.” Now I see a very gloomy and dark temple, a gloomy and dark throne. There is no iconostasis in the middle of the church. Instead of icons, there are some strange portraits with animal faces and sharp caps, and on the throne is not a cross, but a large star and a Gospel with a star, and resin candles are burning, they crack like firewood, and the cup stands, and a strong stench comes from the cup, and from there all sorts of reptiles, toads, scorpions, spiders crawl, it’s scary to look at all this. Prosphora also with a star; in front of the throne stands a priest in a bright red robe and green toads and spiders crawl along the robe; his face is terrible and black as coal, his eyes are red, and smoke comes out of his mouth and his fingers are black, as if in ash.

Wow, Lord, how scary - then some vile, disgusting, ugly black woman jumped onto the throne, all in red with a star on her forehead and spun around on the throne, then shouted like a night owl to the whole temple in a terrible voice: “Freedom” - and began, and people, like madmen, began to run around the throne, rejoicing at something, and shouted, and whistled, and clapped their hands. Then they began to sing some kind of song - at first quietly, then louder, like dogs, then it all turned into an animal growl, then into a roar. Suddenly bright lightning flashed and strong thunder struck, the earth shook and the temple collapsed and fell through the ground.

The throne, the priest, the red woman all mixed up and thundered into the abyss. Lord, save me. Wow, how scary. I crossed myself. Cold sweat broke out on my forehead. I looked around. The elder smiled at me: “Did you see it?” he said. “I saw it, Father. Tell me what it was? Scary and terrible.” The elder answered me: “The temple, the priests and the people are heretics, apostates, atheists, who have fallen behind the faith of Christ and from the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and have recognized the heretical, life-renewed church, which does not have the Grace of God. You cannot fast in it, neither confess, nor receive communion, nor receive confirmation." “Lord, save me, a sinner, send me repentance - a Christian death,” I whispered, but the elder reassured me: “Don’t grieve,” he said, “pray to God.”

We moved on. I look - there are a lot of people walking, terribly exhausted, everyone has a star on their forehead. When they saw us, they roared: “Pray for us, holy fathers, to God, it is very difficult for us, but we ourselves cannot do it. Our fathers and mothers did not teach us the Law of God and we do not even have a Christian name. We have not received the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit (and the red banner)".

I cried and followed the elder. “Look,” the elder pointed with his hand, “do you see?!” I see mountains. - No, this mountain of human corpses is all soaked in blood. I crossed myself and asked the elder what does this mean? What kind of corpses are these? - These are monks and nuns, wanderers, wanderers, killed for the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, who did not want to accept the seal of the Antichrist, but wanted to accept the crown of martyrdom and die for Christ. I prayed: “Save, Lord, and have mercy on the servants of God and all Christians.” But suddenly the elder turned to the north side and pointed with his hand: “Look.”

I looked and saw: the Tsar’s palace, and all around were animals of different breeds and beasts of different sizes, reptiles, dragons, hissing, roaring and climbing into the palace, and had already climbed onto the throne of the Anointed Nicholas II, - his face is pale, but courageous, he reads Jesus prayer. Suddenly the throne shook, and the crown fell and rolled. The animals roared, fought, and crushed the Anointed One. They tore it apart and trampled on it like demons in hell, and everything disappeared.

Oh, Lord, how scary, save and have mercy from all evil, enemy and adversary. I cried bitterly, suddenly the elder took me by the shoulder, “Don’t cry, it’s the Lord’s will,” and pointed out: “Look,” I see a pale radiance appeared. At first I could not distinguish, but then it became clear - the Anointed One appeared involuntarily, on his head was a crown of green leaves. The face is pale, bloody, with a gold cross on the neck. He quietly whispered a prayer.

Then he said to me with tears: “Pray for me, Father Ivan, and tell all Orthodox Christians that I died as a martyr; firmly and courageously for the Orthodox Faith and for the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and suffered for all Christians; and tell everyone to the Orthodox Apostolic pastors, so that they serve a common fraternal memorial service for all the soldiers killed on the battlefield: those who burned in the fire, those who drowned in the sea, and for me, a sinner, who suffered, do not look for my grave - it is difficult to find. I also ask: pray for me. Father Ivan, and forgive me, good shepherd." Then it all disappeared into the fog. I crossed myself: “O Lord, rest in peace the soul of the departed servant of God Nicholas, eternal memory to him.” God, how scary. My arms and legs were shaking, I was crying.

The elder again told me: “Don’t cry, that’s what God wants, pray to God. Look again.” Here I see a lot of people lying around, dying of hunger, who ate grass, ate the earth, and dogs picked up corpses, everywhere there was a terrible stench, blasphemy. Lord, save us and strengthen us in the holy faith of Christ, we are feeble and weak without faith. So the old man says to me again: “Look there.” And now I see a whole mountain of different books, small and large. Between these books, stinking worms crawl, swarm and spread a terrible stench. I asked: "What kind of books are these. Father?" He replied: “Godless, heretical, who infect all the people of the whole world with worldly blasphemous teachings.” The elder touched these books with the end of his staff, and it all turned into fire, and everything burned to the ground, and the wind scattered the ashes.

Then I see a church, and around it lies a mass of memorials and certificates. I bent down and wanted to pick one up and read it, but the elder said that these are the memorials and letters that have been lying around the church for many years, but the priests have forgotten them and never read them, and the departed souls ask to pray, but there is no one to read and no one to remember. I asked: “Who will it be?” “Angels,” said the elder. I crossed myself. Remember, Lord, the souls of Your departed servants in Your kingdom.

We moved on. The elder walked quickly, so I could barely keep up with him. Suddenly he turned around and said: “Look.” Here comes a crowd of people, driven by terrible demons, who mercilessly beat and stabbed people with long lances, pitchforks and hooks. “What kind of people are these?” I asked the elder. “These are those,” the elder answered, “who fell away from the Faith and the Holy Apostolic Catholic Church and accepted the heretical life-renewal.” Here were: bishops, priests, deacons, laymen, monks, nuns who accepted marriage and began to live depravedly. There were atheists, sorcerers, fornicators, drunkards, money lovers, heretics, apostates from the Church, sectarians and others. They have a terrible and terrible appearance: their faces are black, foam and stench came from their mouths, and they screamed terribly, but the demons beat them mercilessly and drove them into a deep abyss. From there came stench, smoke, fire and stench. I crossed myself: “Deliver, Lord, and have mercy, all this I have seen is terrible.”

Then I see: a mass of people are walking; old and small, and all in red clothes and carried a huge red star, five-headed and at each corner 12 demons sat, and in the middle sat Satan himself with terrible horns and crocodile eyes, with a lion's mane and a terrible mouth, with large teeth and its mouth spewed out stinking foam. All the people shouted: “Get up, branded with a curse.” A mass of demons appeared, all red, and branded the people, putting a seal on everyone’s forehead and hand in the form of a star. The elder said that this is the seal of the Antichrist. I was very scared, crossed myself and read the prayer: “May God rise again.” After that everything disappeared like smoke.

I was in a hurry and barely had time to follow the elder, but the elder stopped, pointed his hand to the east and said: “Look.” And I saw a mass of people with joyful faces, and in their hands there were crosses, banners and candles, and in the middle, between the crowd, there was a high throne in the air, a golden royal crown and on it was written in golden letters: “For a little time.” Around the throne stand patriarchs, bishops, priests, monks, hermits and laity. Everyone sings: “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth.” I crossed myself and thanked God.

Suddenly the Elder waved in the air three times in a cross shape. And now I see a mass of corpses and rivers of blood. Angels flew over the bodies of the murdered and barely had time to bring Christian souls to the Throne of God, and sang “Alleluia.” It was scary to look at all this. I cried bitterly and prayed. The elder took me by the hand and said, “Don’t cry. This is what the Lord God needs for our lack of faith and repentance, this must be so, our Savior Jesus Christ also suffered and shed His most pure blood on the cross. So, there will be many more martyrs for Christ, and These are those who will not accept the seal of the Antichrist, will shed blood and receive the crown of martyrdom."

Then the elder prayed, crossed himself three times to the east and said: “Behold, Daniel’s prophecy has been fulfilled. The abomination of desolation is final.” I saw the Jerusalem Temple, and there was a star on the dome. Millions of people crowd around the temple and try to enter inside the temple. I wanted to cross myself, but the elder stopped my hand and said again: “Here is the abomination of desolation.”

We entered the temple, where there were a lot of people. And then I see a throne in the middle of the temple. Around the throne, in three rows, resin candles are burning, and on the throne sits in bright red purple the world ruler-king, and on his head is a gold crown with diamonds, with a star. I asked the elder: “Who is this?” He said, "This is the Antichrist." Tall, eyes like coal, black, a wedge-shaped black beard, a fierce, cunning and cunning face - beast-like, an aquiline nose. Suddenly the Antichrist stood on the throne, straightened up to his full height, raised his head high and extended his right hand to the people - his fingers had claws like a tiger, and growled in his bestial voice: “I am your god, king and ruler. Who will not accept my press - death for them here." Everyone fell to their knees and bowed and accepted the seal on their forehead. But some boldly approached him and loudly exclaimed at once: “We are Christians, we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Then in an instant the sword of the Antichrist flashed, and the heads of the Christian youths rolled and blood was shed for the faith of Christ. Here they are leading young women, women and small children. Here he became even more furious and shouted like an animal: “Death to them. These Christians are my enemies - death to them.” Instant death followed immediately. Their heads rolled to the floor and Orthodox blood spilled throughout the church.

Then they lead a ten-year-old boy to the Antichrist to worship and say: “Fall on your knees,” but the boy boldly approached the throne of the Antichrist; “I am a Christian and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, and you are a fiend of hell, a servant of Satan, you are the Antichrist.” “Death,” he roared with a terrible wild roar. Everyone fell to their knees before the Antichrist. Suddenly, thousands of thunders thundered and thousands of heavenly lightnings flew like fiery arrows and struck the servants of the Antichrist. Suddenly the largest arrow, a fiery, cross-shaped one, flew from the sky and hit the Antichrist in the head. He waved his hand and fell, the crown flew off his head and crumbled into dust, and millions of birds flew and pecked at the corpses of the wicked servants of the Antichrist.

So I felt that the elder took me by the shoulder and said: “Let's go on our way.” Here I see again a mass of blood, knee-deep, waist-deep, oh, how much Christian blood has been shed. Then I remembered the word that was said in the Revelation of John the Theologian: “And there will be blood by the bridles of the horses.” Ax, God, save me, a sinner. Great fear came over me. I was neither alive nor dead. I see angels flying around a lot and singing: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord.” I looked around - the elder was on his knees and praying. Then he stood up and tenderly said: “Do not grieve. Soon, soon the end of the world, pray to the Lord, He is merciful to His servants. There are no longer years left, but hours, and soon, soon the end.”

Then the elder blessed me and pointed his hand to the east and said: “I’m going there.” I fell to my knees, bowed to him and saw that he was quickly leaving the ground. then I asked: “What is your name, wonderful old man?” Then I exclaimed louder. "Holy Father, tell me, what is your holy name?" “Seraphim,” he quietly and softly told me, “write down what you saw and don’t forget it all for Christ’s sake.”

Vision of Saint Apostle Paul

When they went down to Troas, Paul had a vision at night: a certain man, a Macedonian, appeared, asking him and saying: “Come to Macedonia and help us.” After this vision, we immediately decided to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel there.”(Acts 16:9,10).

It is impossible, without a special feeling, to imagine the moment when Saint Paul, having reached the seashore in Troas, stopped in sight of Europe, and when, for the first time, she appeared to his eyes, on the other side of the blue waves of the Hellespont. Here is the limit of his native Asia; and there is unknown Europe. What should he have felt when he saw the land of the Japhetids in the distance? So he walked around with the lamp of faith front, or adjacent to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, Asia and proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ everywhere. Enough, it would seem, of all the dangers he endured and the labors he endured. For another it would be enough to bear the spiritual burden of so many Churches he founded, so many thousands of souls he converted to the living God. But the heart of the apostle expands along with the success of his preaching, zeal grows with the obstacles; Europe is close and attracts him to itself. Beyond the sea, spread out at his feet, he sees Greece, with its brilliant arts and pitiful deities; with the eyes of his mind he sees Rome, this royal city, with the peoples kneeling before it; he embraces the world with the immeasurable gaze of his apostolic aspirations... And so a strange, seemingly unrealizable dream arises in him - to conquer this proud pagan world under the power of Jesus Christ.

“Then,” says St. Luke, at nightfall, Paul had a vision. The man appeared before him and called him and said: “cross the sea and help us.” So, God heeded the apostle’s prayer and sanctified the fiery desire of his heart with His command.”

"Help us!" Such was the cry of the ancient world, the cry of the perishing, the cry of the desperate. So, here is the final word of a brilliant civilization, the centuries-long development of mankind! There were so many thinkers and sages, so many lyceums and academies, so many discussions and studies, so many laws and government institutions, so many revolutions and brilliant writers - and all this only to come, finally, to the need to cry out: “Come and help us.” " Doubt torments us, and, the play of all possible waves of human thought, we are finally wrecked and thrown onto the quicksand of bleak doubt. “Help us,” for corruption is consuming us, the infection has penetrated to the marrow of our bones - we no longer know what truth and innocence are; Nature itself trembles before our depravity. “Help us,” because we are all in captivity, all at the feet of the one who deceived and destroyed the first man. “Help us,” because our gods are dead, lame, silent, and our priests laugh at their own rituals and sacrifices. “Come,” we suffer, and for us there is no hope from anywhere. So the apostle, confident in vision, is ready to undertake this extraordinary task - to go to save suffering paganism. The sea that he will have to cross has already been crossed more than once by conquerors with their numerous hordes: Xerxes, Alexander and Caesar; at the sight of their formidable hordes, with unfurled banners and huge carts, they usually said: “The world will soon pass into the hands of another ruler.” Now, from one bank to the other, a fragile boat carries four unknown men: Paul the Tarsian and his disciples: Luke, Silas and Timothy; no one, of course, noticed their swimming, no one knew who they were, where they were sailing and why. However, these people are embarking on a kind of war: they want to conquer the world, establish an undying kingdom. And - a wonderful thing: they achieve their goal - and we, the descendants of the peoples to whom they brought the words of life and salvation, after eighteen centuries, glorify and bless their memory!..

So, let this wonderful page from the history of apostolic times serve for our edification. What happened in Troas is repeated in all ages of the Church and in the events of the life of every Christian. Everyone who can still listen to the voice of faith has heard a similar call, a cry of extremity and need, material or spiritual, and this voice called us and begged for help. Are you listening to this voice? Are you fulfilling your calling? - Questions that the conscience of each of us must answer.

The former Saul, a Jew from the sect of the Pharisees, was moved by the cry of the perishing ancient world, because he was then already an apostle of Jesus Christ, a servant of the One who took pity on the misfortunes of a perishing man and who gave Himself to save him. Paul now sees Jesus Christ as his King. But what is the distinguishing feature of His kingdom? It is all full of love and selflessness. All the kings before Him and after Him had their “exaltation” in mind. He, the King of earth and heaven, alone wanted to “humble Himself.” Everyone thought to themselves: “We must rule.” He alone said: “I came to serve and give My soul for the salvation of the world.” Jesus Christ bowed His gaze from the height of His throne, heard the cries and groans of criminal humanity, and, to save it, descended into the depths of the abyss of our evils and our condemnation.

As the Mentor is, so must the disciples be. Jesus Christ, by His word and example, commanded us to love our neighbors and take care of His least brothers. He constantly mentioned those whom no one seemed to have noticed until then. It is to them that He wants to direct the concern and concern of His disciples. On the last day He will call blessed, and will bring into His glory those who helped the poor, the strange, the sick and the suffering. He puts Himself in their place and becomes, in a way, their representative. Whoever helps them provides help and mercy to Himself. To show the disciples to what extent the service of their lesser brethren should extend, He, preparing to return to heaven, girded himself with ribbon, kneeled before them and washed their feet, thus accepting the very position and duties of the last of the slaves and adding: “What I do, do you also.”

Everywhere in His teaching this commandment of humility and love for the poor is manifested. “When you make lunch or dinner, do not invite your friends, nor your brothers, nor relatives, nor rich neighbors (for fear) lest they invite you someday, and you will not receive reward (fear lest you receive reward !.. How many of us are familiar with this fear?). But when you make a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed because they cannot repay you” (Luke 14:12-14). Suppose the world were to assimilate the spirit of this commandment and become imbued with it, what would then appear before us? We would see that every advantage, whether natural or acquired: wealth, power, talents, genius - imposes on a person the obligation to serve those who do not have these gifts. These forces, from which sin so often makes instruments of self-will and pride, would become instruments of spiritual rebirth and general gradual improvement. Those on high would help those below to ascend to the light and reach their destination. Instead of rare alms, carelessly thrown into the abyss of human needs, instead of a few good deeds performed only to silence our conscience, and with which we soon begin to be burdened, there would be constant care aimed at the benefit of the poor and suffering. We would also see that nations, educated and enlightened by the faith of Christ, instead of making an instrument of self-interest and lust for power out of their mental superiority over peoples still immersed in the abasement of idolatry, would, on the contrary, begin to condescend to them and speak to them in the words of the Savior : come and have lunch(John 21:12). Then the one who possesses science, instead of withdrawing into a noble disdain for everyone, would say to the ignorant: “Come and sit down to the table of knowledge and take your share of it.” And the one who has wealth, instead of considering wealth as a foothold for selfishness and a means of showing pomp that is offensive to others, and which, moreover, does not serve for the benefit, but, on the contrary, to the detriment of his own happiness, would understand that God is handing over to him the true and reasonable guardianship over all those who do not enjoy the benefits of the earth, who are suppressed by daily worries and the burden of continuous labor. Yes, suppose that the whole society is imbued with this spirit and, prompted by its constant and powerful influence, tries to bring light and life and prosperity to its lowest strata - would not the appearance of humanity change, would not the mutual relations of peoples, classes and states? Wouldn't the need to fight with armed force against the cruel disease of universal equality, class hatred, disappear? I am talking about these plagues because they constitute the fundamental evil and danger of modern civilization.

To exterminate this evil, to avert this danger, it is required, first of all, that Christian love dominate in our souls, that, tuned in the spirit of the Divine Teacher, we imitate His example, serve our neighbors with all the powers given to us - so that, like St. Paul, , the suffering and the perishing appeared to us in visions and so that, like him, we were attentive to their voice calling for help.

Is this what we really see? Has it not happened to us sometimes, looking at the general map of all countries and peoples and noticing on it the limited space occupied by the Christian population, to feel deep sadness in our souls? True, many great and heroic things were accomplished by Christian missionaries in Siberia, the Caucasus, Japan, China, Tibet, Syria and Africa. But can these successes satisfy us? Can we be satisfied with them? Isn’t it the same way now that the pagan world turns its eyes to Christianity and says to it: “Come and help us?”

An even larger part of the globe is plunged into darkness. In the smallest part of the world - Europe, we see civilization, with all its splendor, science, convenience of communications, gentleness of morals, refinement of lifestyle, pleasures of all kinds. And there, in most of Asia and Africa, there is wild barbarism, unbridled despotism, peoples gradually dying out from ignorance, rudeness, from hunger, which periodically visits, for example, India and Persia. Wouldn't it be expected that such immense inequality should, year by year, disappear; that the peoples, illuminated and warmed by European Christian education, will unite in a common effort - to give the rest of the peoples a little education, a little justice, a little humanity? And, besides, until now, some educated peoples have used their mental superiority and their strength only in order to oppress and humiliate the weakest and extract benefit from them; the policy of the strong in relation to the weak was, for entire centuries, only a long chain of injustices and oppressions, as, for example, in Turkey; and therefore the most natural sense of justice should instill in them the duty of retribution and pacification. We would like this; but do you know what the Christian peoples are now concerned about? They watch one after another, lie in wait for each other, replenish their arsenals, and it is still unknown whether tomorrow they will rush against each other again for mutual destruction? Yes, these people whom you have met in all parts of the world, who shared the same noble labors, were engaged in the same sublime researches in the field of science, admired the same beauties of art and nature, were shocked by the same feelings, - moreover, they bowed their heads before the same God, called on the same Redeemer - these people, on the day of international struggle, met like enemies, exterminated each other like animals. The wounds of these peoples have not yet healed, and they seem to be preparing for a new war, on a new battlefield, on which, perhaps, your only son must fall. This is what we have come to, this is how educated peoples fulfill their purpose in relation to the rest of the world!

Oh, if only the shepherds understood their calling! If only they heard the voice of the suffering and responded to it! Of course, they also work a lot in our time; but is there anything like an energetic, generous impulse here? In the face of these two-thirds of our neighbors, still ossified in paganism, at the sight of the spreading stream of unbelief and error, do we not feel remorse with a shudder? Do we not also hear the voice that shook the soul of St. Paul? When you pass through our great cities and see this carefree and frivolous crowd, when in passing you come across baseness and vice, sometimes in an elegant, sometimes in a rude form, - when shameless godlessness nestles in the depths of so many souls and despair lurks at the bottom of so many sorrows: Do you find that the shepherds of the Church can remain calm and say: “We have fulfilled our purpose, we have completed the work that God entrusted to us?” And how can we not grieve in our souls when we think about all the empty disputes and internecine bickering that consume our living forces, our abilities and our time? For such a struggle there will always be food; the first circumstance encountered will be enough to fan the flames of the dispute and distract from their direct duties those who should be doing their immediate work. They will say that it is necessary to defend the truth from attack. Of course, it would be a crime, under the pretext of love for one's neighbor, to preach coldness towards the truths of revelation, of which we should be guardians and preachers. Moreover, by sharing the truth with others, we best express and prove our love for them; and to neglect the truth would be to exhaust the very sources of love for one's neighbor.

Yes, we will defend the truth or, better and more accurately, we will testify to it ourselves with our devotion and respect for it. Let us ourselves, the first, deeply and sincerely believe in it, we will trust its power more than the evidence with which we try to support it; let us explore the depth of its wealth, let us be servants and worshipers of the shrine - more than its guardians; Let us more often be inside the sanctuary, and not near its outer fence. Let us not so much be defenders of the Gospel as doers and witnesses of it; Let us first take care to be faithful to the truth ourselves, and then to triumph over our opponents. Any other victory in polemics is nothing more than a deception, which little satisfies the mind and leaves the conscience in confusion. To bring triumph to the truth, through our passions, our outbursts and ridicule of each other, to descend into the soil of personalities, to enjoy the evil joy brought by the humiliation of our quarrelsome people, means to indulge in a fruitless occupation, to throw seeds in the sand and, even worse, to demean the significance of that a cause for which we wish success, to slander it. There is no doubt that we cannot do without a struggle; but the point is in what spirit we will treat it, and whether our love for God, for our neighbor and even for our enemies will be strong enough to drive out all personal aspirations from our hearts. St. Paul defended Christian truth with the greatest zeal, with irresistible force. But look how he avoids vain arguments and rushes to where he is most needed and where he can win the hearts of people to the Lord!

Introducing Judaism to engage in scholarly debate, he listened to the groans of the pagans and seemed to say to himself: “The time has come, let’s go and bring a new people to God.” And he, a disciple of Gamaliel and a teacher of the law himself, a former Pharisee, a former sectarian, felt within himself a heart capable of embracing the whole world, both Jews and pagans, with its immeasurable love.

They will say, perhaps, that the cry heard by St. Paul is no longer heard around us and that when there is no call, there is nothing to respond to. True, in our time the loudest cry of material need is heard, the cry for bread. But don't you think. that the same thing did not happen under Paul? Don't you think that in Antioch and Athens the conscience of most people was less dulled than in our time? Don’t you think that false silence, carnal carelessness was not then the normal state of sinners? Don’t you think that if Saint Paul had fixed his gaze on the appearance of the Greeks and Romans of that time, on their free morals and self-righteous feasts, then he would have heard the voice that forced him to set out for Europe? Of course not. I heard this voice and guessed and understood his love for his neighbor; the outer covers were torn apart by her, and he heard the cry of the souls of an entire people and saw that they were in a sad and hopeless state. But make no mistake, it's still the same now. Despite the proud claims of a certain kind of learning, despite the calmness of spirit expressed by many people, in every soul that is not yet mired in sensuality and has not yet turned into flesh, like the people of the antediluvians, there is a hidden sorrow that requires consolation - there is an agitated conscience , crying out for peace and tranquility, there are remnants, often, alas, broken and desecrated, but, nevertheless, remnants of the altar that St. Paul saw in Athens and which was dedicated to the “unknown God,” but was assigned to the righteous, living God and the true one, the One who alone can give us forgiveness and pardon.

I have so far spoken of people in general; but there is nothing more fruitless than generalizations. I now speak to each of you, brethren who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. Do you hear the voice calling Saint Paul? Have you seen in visions people perishing from ignorance of their Savior?

The visions are yours! Do you know what kind they are? I'll tell you about it; for you too are haunted by visions, even in the silence of the night.

Here is a young and rich person listening or reading my words. What does she see in her dreams? Has she ever dreamed of some of the disasters of this world below? Did she ever think that, at a time when everyone around her is in a hurry to please her desires, prevent them, delight and decorate her life, other, also young, girls are growing up in deprivation, in poverty, perhaps in vice? Did she tell herself that the faith that had shed so much purity and sweet heavenly tranquility on her childhood was unknown in other families or was severely desecrated there? Was she sad about whether she understood her duty and the happiness when she could alleviate such disasters with her participation and consolations? Did she ever imagine that she herself was walking along the harsh but noble path of self-sacrifice out of love for her neighbor? But I would hardly be mistaken if I say that the dreams and dreams of this young lady are turned to the pleasures of the world, to its praises, to its seductions... She sees herself even in her dreams as charming, elegant and graceful; she hears whispers of admiration behind her. If this dream is repeated the next day, if in her dreams this ghost will always beckon and seduce her, if her life will consist in that one happiness that light and the intoxication of light gives, then let them admire her and carry her in their arms, even if those whom God gave her as patrons and leaders, and who were obliged to tell her the truth - let them also mix their flattery with the surprise of the world. But we need to tear through the veil that prevents her from seeing, we need to tell her that in her heart, under all this sweet appearance, there is nothing but selfishness in all its ugliness... What kind of future awaits her? What answer will she give in the last hour? What an inevitable sentence will be the lot of this life without God and without earthly sorrows!

I will note here one opinion, very widespread and beloved in the world. It is often possible to hear that self-sacrifice and charitable deeds can be combined with debauchery and hobbies of an ardent temperament. Many people like to cite the amazing features of some semi-secular women and, with sly gloating, contrast them with the hidden selfishness of those whose lives are not subject to criticism.

It must be admitted that there are often examples of sudden selflessness, unexpected charity, true generosity among people living a very absent-minded and even openly criminal life. It is clear that when the conscience is tormented and the heart is troubled, as a result of insane actions, sometimes a person is struck by fits of good deeds - self-denial and even self-sacrifice; he feels, at times, the need for shelter, for refuge, for something that would calm and pacify the soul at least for a minute. But what is durable and permanent in such impulses? Can they atone for the shame of a meaningless life removed from God? Can the harmful effects of example be destroyed? Besides, do you really believe in the sincerity of such impulses?

Usually people who lead dissolute lives notice the funny side of false piety; but is counterfeit coin found only in the moral realm? Is there not in the world false sensitivity, virtue for show, flattering adherence - pharisaism, in a word? Just because some frivolous woman once decides to do one of those good deeds that a Christian woman views as her most ordinary duties, she is showered with praise, her generosity is extolled to the skies: is this fair? Will a fleeting movement of the soul change this woman's life at its foundation? What if for her the purpose of existence remains, as before, pure pleasure, that is, in fact, selfishness, or the denial of true love for one’s neighbor?

It happens that selfishness is sometimes reconciled with correct beliefs and complete decency in actions. With a very commendable lifestyle, one can be completely unable to sacrifice oneself for others. You can have virtues that are respected in the world: affection for family life, respect for your duty. The consequence of this is aversion from noisy pleasures and a certain conventional sedateness, which inspires self-satisfaction and inner self-esteem. good opinion and even respect from friends. Those distinguished by these virtues express horror at the mere thought of indecency or publicity; they do not realize that they do everything for their own interests, out of class pride, out of love for comfort, for wealth; they imagine themselves to be Christians, although they do not subject themselves to concerns about their neighbors, nor to hardships or sacrifices. Secular people notice this very well and laugh to themselves. But I will take away their malicious joy when I tell them: do you know where such excessive blindness comes from? From you. Yes, from you; for if you had not set an example of a distracted and vicious life, then no one would take credit for the fact that he is not depraved, not a thief, not deprived of honor. It is you who lower the moral level - you are the reason that a woman is calm in her conscience and considers herself impeccable, unless she has violated the duties of her wife. If it were not for you, she would have sought a higher ideal for herself, and, instead of imagining herself virtuous simply because she had avoided downfalls, she would have learned that, beyond family responsibilities, there is an endless world of self-denial and charity. If it were not for you, then this egoism, which we do not approve of, would remain without any cover; he would be horrified by himself and his criminal inaction. You are the one putting him to sleep. Let us no longer allow that false wisdom to take root, that the dissipation of secular life does not kill love for one’s neighbor. It, on the contrary, is her most fierce enemy; it takes away her time, and then dries up and eradicates her ability to love and sacrifice herself for others.

Yes, if you pass by the suffering without noticing them, or hear the groans of the needy and do not pay attention to them, then it is because the bustle of the world has clouded your vision, made your heart deaf and is plugging your ears. If the voice of the poor annoys you and the reminder of the stagnation in the affairs of charity seems bothersome to you, it is because the satisfaction of pride, pleasure and all vanity has shamelessly swallowed up the share of those in need of our help. Make no mistake: the issue of eternal life and salvation is being resolved here. The path you take will destroy your soul; you will destroy it, regardless of your Orthodox beliefs, your regular going to church and annual confession, because God requires a person’s heart; yours belongs to the world and vanity; your treasure is on earth, far from God: so your inheritance in eternity will not be with him.

And to your inner eyes, my brother, what are the visions? When you look into the future, what attracts and attracts you in it? Do you think that more than once you may have to stand up for a just and holy cause? Are you getting ready to fight? Do you care about acquiring strength of mind and character to resist evil and to fight everything that keeps us in slavery - and, above all, with the flesh and sin? Do those needy and suffering people pass before your imagination, to whose benefit you will devote your bodily strength and your spiritual abilities? Do you hear voices calling out, as to St. Paul: “Come, help Us”? But who can assure me that you do not dream of vain honors? Maybe your idol is the glory of a writer. Do you dream of a famous name repeated by thousands of lips, or wealth, with its power and influence, or a high position quickly achieved... Perhaps, above all this, you see science with its noble acquisitions and pure pleasures? Are these your dreams? Talent, wealth, knowledge - these are wonderful means when they are dedicated to the service of God, to the improvement of humanity and to helping it; but, otherwise, they are nothing more than instruments of egoism and shiny idols that distract our worship and our heart from God.

Where, in our time, are the people who see visions like those of St. Paul before their eyes? Where are those whose hearts hear the suffering and needs of their generation and understand that they should help them, at least at the cost of their lives? Saint Paul saw that the ancient world was perishing, and he went to its aid with the preaching of the Gospel. Is this what you do when you magnify St. the apostle as your teacher? Do you think and say that all these generous impulses, concerns for the common good, are nothing more than dreams, dreams, daydreams? But twenty centuries before the birth of Christ, one young shepherd, from the tribe of Abraham, told his brothers his dreams. These dreams foreshadowed extraordinary power and glory for him in the distant future; but the brothers listened to him with a smile of contempt and hatred, and said as he walked towards them: “Here comes the dreamer!” And what? His premonitions came true: his dreams became reality. And about Jesus Christ Himself, even people close to Him said: “he is furious”; and the Pharisees assured: “have a demon”; the unbelieving Pilate only shrugged his shoulders and said: “What is truth?” The ruler of Judea, the Roman military leader Festus, having listened to the wise, rich speech of St. Paul, made one remark: “your great learning, Paul, is driving you to madness” (Acts 26:24). The apostle seemed to the learned Roman, without a doubt, a dreamer. This is how many people today look at the matter scientists."Dreamer!" But this is precisely the accusation against the world, that love for one’s neighbor and self-sacrifice seem to it a dream and the cross is madness!.

"Dream, madness!" Meanwhile, the Gospel has overcome the world with its wise men. If even today Christians are ashamed of the Gospel madness, then the world will reject them like an extinguished lamp, like strewn salt. Give the Gospel into the hands of worldly sages, and they will drop it a thousand times. The so-called world dreamers brought him triumph a thousand times; fools about Christ They gave their lives with joy, they loved Jesus Christ not out of calculation, not out of scientific research, but with all the strength of their souls, to the point of self-denial.

Saint Paul, having received the vision described above, immediately set off on his journey. It is possible even now to be rewarded with the most sublime visions; you can feel a living echo in your heart to the most touching calls; one can experience the thrill of reverence for Christian ideals - and, nevertheless, remain a pathetic egoist, one of the useless creatures whom the Lord will reject on the last day and say to them: we don't know you.

On the night of December 29-30, 1916, the life of one of the most mysterious and controversial characters in Russian history of the 20th century was cut short. Then in St. Petersburg, conspirators led by Prince Felix Yusupov killed the “holy elder” and favorite of the imperial family Grigory Rasputin.

A slightly revealed secret

In childhood, nothing foreshadowed the simple village boy - the son of a cab driver in the large village of Pokrovskoye, in the Tobolsk province - Grisha Novykh of future greatness and scandalous fame. He grew up as an inquisitive, intelligent child who loved popular books with bright pictures, ordinary children's fun and pranks. It seemed that over time, after graduating from the parochial school, he was destined to take on his shoulders the concerns of household and continue his father’s cab driver’s craft, remaining in complete obscurity and leading the quiet, measured life of his ancestors.

However, when Grisha was twelve years old, an event happened to him which, as it later turned out, lifted the veil of his unusual future for the boy. This fact, or rather its secret meaning, was described decades later by Rasputin's biographer Fulop-Miller.

And then, in the fall of 1881, Grigory and his older brother Mikhail went outside the village to the river. It so happened that his older brother fell into the river and began to drown. Without hesitating for a second, Grigory, already distinguished at that time by his daring and fearlessness, rushed into the water to help Mikhail. However, the low water temperature and lack of strength caused both to soon sink.

Luckily for them, a peasant was passing nearby, who, hearing the children’s screams, saved the children. Mikhail, who suffered from pneumonia, soon died. And Gregory, shocked by the death of his beloved brother, fell into a state of fever that tormented the boy for several weeks. It was during attacks of illness that in delirium Gregory had visions, the meaning of which he could not understand at the time. Upon recovery, he told his father about what he had seen, who gave Gregory a good spanking and ordered him not to tell anyone else about them.

The essence of the visions was that young Grisha saw himself “indulging” in golden toys in rich rooms “with many portraits and marble floors,” surrounded by well-dressed and beautiful people trying to please all his whims. Then for the first time the boy thought that he suddenly found himself in the royal mansion - exactly as he had imagined it in his childhood fantasies...

Walking behind the plow

The boy very soon forgot both about his illness and about those visions for which he was beaten by his father. Years passed, and Gregory turned into a short, but well-built, strong and resilient man, burdened with ordinary peasant concerns. After the death of his father, Grigory began to work as a cab driver, spending all his free time in taverns and communicating with the opposite sex, with whom, despite his ordinary appearance, he was a great success.

It was at this time that Grigory Novykh received the nickname Rasputin for his wild lifestyle. Soon he married a charming black-eyed blonde, who was considered the first beauty in the village. However, family life did not change the lifestyle of Grigory Efimovich, who spent his days in labor and household chores, and his nights in drinking establishments and brothels and did not think at all about his special mission in this world.

In the spring of 1898, he witnessed such an unusual phenomenon that he decided to radically change his entire subsequent life.

One warm sunny day, he was walking across a field behind a plow, when he suddenly heard women’s voices behind him, singing church hymns. Surprised, Grigory stopped his horse, turned around and froze in amazement, amazed by what he saw. Later, many years later, he told his friend Dmitry Pecherkin about this vision like this: “A woman of amazing unearthly beauty was walking very close to me. It was the Holy Virgin who appeared from the gilded rays of the midday sun. Thousands of angels sang a solemn hymn behind her, and the voice of the Virgin Mary echoed them..."

The vision lasted a few minutes, but it shocked Gregory so much that he fell unconscious next to the horse. Rasputin woke up only in the evening. He was feverish. Exhausted, he trudged home, tormented by doubts about the correctness of his way of life. Gregory understood that what he saw was a sign from above, in obedience to which he had to leave carousing, taverns, horses, arable land, family and home and start his dissolute life anew.

The thorny path to glory

And Rasputin decides to give up everything. First, he goes to a monastery in Verkhoturye and enters the Khlysty sect that settled there. The notorious sect, persecuted by the authorities, practiced cleansing from sins through satiety with bodily pleasures. For Rasputin, who loved sensual pleasures and was accustomed to thinking freely, the company of the Khlysts turned out to be more than suitable. Then he went to the hermit Elder Macarius, who blessed him to leave his home and family forever and go on a journey across the earth. From that time on, his long wanderings throughout Siberia began, during which his fame as a “holy man” grew.

According to Rasputin himself, since 1900, he often hears unfamiliar voices that tell Gregory to perform certain actions, and sometimes sees strange pictures - fires and floods or, conversely, blooming paradises in which he has the good fortune to reside. This, perhaps, explains Rasputin’s unusual behavior, which surprised and sometimes frightened everyone who had the opportunity to communicate with him. So, during a conversation, an elder could suddenly fall to his knees and begin to pray frantically, or, interrupting the meal, fall into a kind of trance, which could last either a few minutes or long hours...

One of the most vivid and last visions Rasputin experienced was in 1904, when he first arrived in St. Petersburg. Then he, still little known in the capital, came to ask for shelter at the local seminary, where with his prudence and quick-witted mind he made a very positive impression on the rector, Father Feofan. The next morning, Father Theophan decided to introduce the unusual guest to a highly respected priest in the capital, Bishop Hermogenes.

In 1915, talking about this incident to his close friend Vyrubova, the maid of honor of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Rasputin said that, while waiting in the bishop’s reception room for a meeting, he suddenly felt “his head was clouded.” Then he heard the ringing of bells and the singing of the hymn “God Save the Tsar!” A carousel of faces unfamiliar to him at that time spun before Gregory’s mind (whom he later recognized as Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarevich Alexei, Duma deputy V.M. Purishkevich, Prince F. Yusupov and other famous characters in the Russian political arena of those years) . After this, Rasputin saw a terrible battle taking place in heaven, from where streams of blood poured onto the earth. According to Gregory, “a suffocating stench entered his nostrils, and horror seized him”...

It was from that time that Rasputin’s popularity in the Russian capital began to rise unprecedentedly and his approach to the reigning family began. However, at the same time, according to the testimony of Rasputin himself and people who knew him during the years of extraordinary political influence, the visions completely stopped visiting Gregory. Providence seemed to have forgotten about him, shining at court in all his greatness and glory...

A few hours before his death, already in a trap - the semi-basement of the Yusupov Palace on the Moika - the unsuspecting Rasputin smugly told Felix Yusupov: “I am protected from the evil eye. They tried to kill me several times, but the Lord always thwarted these plots. It will be bad for anyone who raises a hand against me, because providence is on my side...”

Alas, that night providence forever turned its back on the man whom some called the “holy elder,” and others called the devil in human form.

Prophetic Vision

Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt

about the fate of Russia and the world

God bless! I am the sinful servant John, priest of Kronstadt, writing this vision. It was written by me and with my hand what I saw, I conveyed in writing.

On the night of January 1, 1908, after evening prayer, I sat down to rest a little at the table. It was twilight in my cell; a lamp was burning in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Less than half an hour had passed, I heard a light noise, someone lightly touched my right shoulder and a quiet, light, gentle voice said to me: “Get up, servant of God Ivan, come with me.” I quickly stood up.

I see standing in front of me: a marvelous, wonderful old man, pale, with gray hair, in a robe, with a rosary in his left hand. He looked at me sternly, but his eyes were gentle and kind. I immediately almost fell from fear, but the wonderful old man supported me - my hands and legs were trembling, I wanted to say something, but my tongue did not turn. The elder crossed me, and I felt light and joyful - I also crossed myself. Then he pointed with his staff to the western side of the wall - there he drew with the same staff: 1913, 1914, 1917, 1922, 1930, 1933, 1934. Suddenly the wall was gone. I walk with the elder across a green field and see a mass of crosses: thousands, millions, different: small and great, wooden, stone, iron, copper, silver and gold. I walked past the crosses, crossed myself and dared to ask the elder what kind of crosses these were? He kindly answered me: these are those who suffered for Christ and for the Word of God.

We go further and see: whole rivers of blood flow into the sea, and the sea is red with blood. I was horrified with fear and again asked the wonderful old man: “Why is so much blood shed?” He looked again and said to me: “This is Christian blood.”

Then the elder pointed his hand at the clouds, and I saw a mass of burning, brightly burning lamps. So they began to fall to the ground: one, two, three, five, ten, twenty. Then they began to fall in hundreds, more and more, and everyone was burning. I was very sad why they did not burn clearly, but only fell and went out, turning into dust and ashes. The elder said: look, and I saw only seven lamps on the clouds and asked the elder, what does this mean? He, bowing his head, said: “The lamps that you see falling, which means the Churches will fall into heresy, but seven burning lamps remain - seven Apostolic Cathedral Churches will remain at the end of the world.”

Then the elder pointed out to me, look, and now I see and hear a wonderful vision: The angels sang: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts.” And a large mass of people walked with candles in their hands, with joyful shining faces; there were kings, princes, patriarchs, metropolitans, bishops, archimandrites, abbots, schema-monks, priests, deacons. novices, pilgrims for Christ's sake, laity, young men, youths, infants; cherubim and seraphim accompanied them V heavenly heavenly abode. I asked the elder: “What kind of people are these?” The elder, as if knowing my thought, said: “These are all the servants of Christ who suffered for the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ.” I again dared to ask if I could join them. The elder said: no, it’s too early for you, be patient (wait). I asked again: “Tell me, father, how are the babies?” The elder said: these babies also suffered for Christ from King Herod (14 thousand), and also those babies received crowns from the King of Heaven, who were destroyed in their mother’s womb, and the nameless ones. I crossed myself: “What a great and terrible sin a mother will have—unforgivable.”

Let's go further - we go into a large temple. I wanted to cross myself, but the elder told me: “There is abomination and desolation here.” Now I see a very gloomy and dark temple, a gloomy and dark throne. There is no iconostasis in the middle of the church. Instead of icons, there are some strange portraits with animal faces and sharp caps, and on the throne is not a cross, but a large star and a Gospel with a star, and resin candles are burning, they crack like firewood, and the cup stands, and a strong stench comes from the cup, and from there all sorts of reptiles, toads, scorpions, spiders crawl, it’s scary to look at all this. Prosphora also with a star; in front of the throne stands a priest in a bright red robe and green toads and spiders crawl along the robe; his face is terrible and black as coal, his eyes are red, and smoke comes out of his mouth and his fingers are black, as if in ash.

Wow, Lord, how scary - then some vile, disgusting, ugly black woman jumped onto the throne, all in red with a star on her forehead and spun around on the throne, then shouted like a night owl to the whole temple in a terrible voice: “Freedom” - and began, and people, like madmen, began to run around the throne, rejoicing at something, and shouted, and whistled, and clapped their hands. Then they began to sing some kind of song - at first quietly, then louder, like dogs, then it all turned into an animal growl, then into a roar. Suddenly bright lightning flashed and strong thunder struck, the earth shook and the temple collapsed and fell through the ground. The throne, the priest, the red woman all mixed up and thundered into the abyss. Lord, save me. Wow, how scary. I crossed myself. Cold sweat broke out on my forehead. I looked around. The elder smiled at me: “Did you see? - he said. - I saw it, Father. Tell me what was it? Scary and terrible." The elder answered me: “The temple, the priests and the people are heretics, apostates, atheists who have fallen behind the faith of Christ and from the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and have recognized the heretical, life-renewed church, which does not have the Grace of God. You cannot fast, confess, take communion, or receive confirmation in it.” “Lord, save me, a sinner, send me repentance - a Christian death,” I whispered, but the elder reassured me: “Don’t grieve,” he said, “pray to God.”

We moved on. I look - there are a lot of people walking, terribly exhausted, everyone has a star on their forehead. When they saw us, they roared: “Pray for us, holy fathers, to God, it’s very difficult for us, but we ourselves cannot do it. Our fathers and mothers did not teach us the Law of God, and we do not even have a Christian name. We did not receive the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit (but a red banner).”

I cried and followed the elder. “Look,” the elder pointed with his hand, “do you see?!” I see mountains. - No, this mountain of human corpses is all soaked in blood. I crossed myself and asked the elder what does this mean? What kind of corpses are these? - These are monks and nuns, wanderers, wanderers, killed for the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, who did not want to accept the seal of the Antichrist, but wanted to accept the crown of martyrdom and die for Christ. I prayed: “Save, Lord, and have mercy on the servants of God and all Christians.” But suddenly the elder turned to the north side and pointed with his hand: “Look.” I looked and saw: the Tsar’s palace, and all around were animals of different breeds and beasts of different sizes, reptiles, dragons, hissing, roaring and climbing into the palace, and had already climbed onto the throne of the Anointed Nicholas II, - his face is pale, but courageous, he reads Jesus prayer. Suddenly the throne shook, and the crown fell and rolled. The animals roared, fought, and crushed the Anointed One. They tore it apart and trampled on it like demons in hell, and everything disappeared.

Oh, Lord, how scary, save and have mercy from all evil, enemy and adversary. I cried bitterly, suddenly the elder took me by the shoulder - don’t cry, it’s the Lord’s will, and pointed out: “Look” - I see a pale radiance appeared. At first I could not distinguish, but then it became clear - the Anointed One appeared involuntarily, on his head was a crown of green leaves. The face is pale, bloody, with a gold cross on the neck. He quietly whispered a prayer. Then he said to me with tears: “Pray for me, Father Ivan, and tell all Orthodox Christians that I died as a martyr; firmly and courageously for the Orthodox Faith and for the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and suffered for all Christians; and tell all the Orthodox Apostolic pastors to serve a common fraternal memorial service for all the soldiers killed on the battlefield: those who were burned in the fire, those who drowned in the sea, and those who suffered for me, a sinner. Don't look for my grave; it's hard to find. I also ask: pray for me, Father Ivan, and forgive me, good shepherd.” Then it all disappeared into the fog. I crossed myself: “O Lord, rest the soul of the departed servant of God Nicholas, eternal memory to him.” God, how scary. My arms and legs were shaking, I was crying.

The elder again told me: “Don’t cry, that’s what God wants, pray to God. Look again." Here I see a lot of people lying around, dying of hunger, who ate grass, ate the earth, and dogs picked up corpses, everywhere there was a terrible stench, blasphemy. God , save us and strengthen us in the holy faith of Christ, we are feeble and weak without faith. So the old man says to me again: “Look there.” And now I see a whole mountain of different books, small and large. Between these books, stinking worms crawl, swarm and spread a terrible stench. I asked: “What kind of books are these? Father? He replied: “Godless, heretical, who infect all the people of the whole world with worldly blasphemous teaching.” The elder touched these books with the end of his staff, and it all turned into fire, and everything burned to the ground, and the wind scattered the ashes.

Then I see a church, and around it lies a mass of memorials and certificates. I bent down and wanted to pick one up and read it, but the elder said that these are the memorials and letters that have been lying around the church for many years, but the priests have forgotten them and never read them, and the departed souls ask to pray, but there is no one to read and no one to remember. I asked: “Who will be?” “Angels,” said the elder. I crossed myself. Remember, Lord, the souls of Your departed servants in Your kingdom.

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