Instant sauerkraut: recipes


Instant sauerkraut: recipes Sauerkraut turns out tasty and crispy if it ferments in its own juice without brine in water. You can choose a juicy head of cabbage if you pay attention to its appearance. Fleshy, tightly pressed leaves and a dry stalk without signs of

Commander of the central front during the Battle of Kursk


Commander of the central front during the Battle of Kursk Thousands of books have been written about this battle, but many facts are still little known to a wide audience. Russian historian and writer, author of more than 40 published works on the history of the Battle of Kursk and the Battle of Prokhorov Valery Zamulin recalls

Bitter pepper preparations for the winter


Bitter pepper preparations for the winter Preface Pepper is one of the most piquant vegetables, which will add spiciness and brightness to dishes. Hot peppers pickled for the winter are the best option. It is recommended to cook it with the addition of horseradish, garlic, and various herbs. He's a camp

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