Consultations for parents of families in the sop. Parents' meeting "prevention of delinquency among minors." Topic: Laws of family life, laws of class life


Tatyana Tinkova
Consultation for parents “Prevention of crime among teenagers”

“Not out of fear, but out of a sense of duty

must abstain

from bad deeds."


Problem juvenile delinquents in modern society is one of the most complex and contradictory. Unfortunately, not everyone teenager, is aware of what he is doing illegal actions lead to heavy and difficult reparable consequences.

What's happened offense?

Offense- this is guilty behavior right of a capable person, which contradicts the requirements of the norms rights, causes harm to others and entails legal liability.

All offenses are usually divided into two groups: misdemeanors and crimes (the heaviest offenses) .

Misdemeanors can be labor, disciplinary, administrative and civil (tort).

Crimes are understood as rule, criminal offenses, that is, acts that violate criminal law. They may vary in severity category.

Depending on the type offenses allocate appropriate liability - criminal, administrative, disciplinary, civil - legal.

1. Criminal liability – liability for violation of laws provided for by the Criminal Code. A crime provided for by criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social system, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

For malicious hooliganism, theft, and rape, criminal liability begins at the age of 14.

2. Administrative liability is applied for violations provided for by the code of administrative offenses. To administrative violations relate: violation traffic rules, violation of fire safety.

For administrative offenses are held accountable from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

3. Disciplinary liability is a violation of labor duties, i.e. violation of labor legislation, to example: late for work, absenteeism without a good reason.

4. Civil - legal liability regulates property relations. Punishments for to the offender: compensation for harm, payment of damage.

Causes and conditions illegal behavior of minors

Juvenile delinquency, has its own characteristics. They are associated with age, psychological, gender and other differences in the personality of minors offenders and the mechanism of illegal behavior;

An analysis of observations of this category of students showed that the reasons for deviations in the behavior of schoolchildren are very diverse.

1. Pedagogical illiteracy parents:

2. Neglect caused in one case by employment parents, in another - their irresponsible attitude towards raising children.

3. Negative example parents, immoral behavior, drunkenness, etc.

4. Violation of family structure (absence of father, conflict with stepfather).

Direct object of social control in the sphere prevention crime acts as a personality teenager

First of all, they should attribute:

Children and teenagers who voluntarily left school, do not study anywhere, do not work and lead an antisocial lifestyle;

Difficult to educate and underachieving students who systematically violate the school regime and rules social behavior;

Streets teenage students who committed offenses and registered with juvenile affairs inspectorates.

As is known, crime is a consequence of the complex interaction of the individual with environment.

The results of work with this category of students give reason to assert that offenses among students are currently associated with unfavorable conditions for personality formation, with shortcomings in moral and labor education, poor organization of leisure time, as well as insufficient activity of public organizations in the fight against child neglect and offenses.

Psychological characteristics of minors offenders

As you know, problems most often begin to appear in adolescence, which is considered difficult, controversial, transitional and covers a period from 11 to 15 years.

Students at this age require increased social control from family, school, and the public. U teenagers unstable attitudes, they have not yet realized their place in life. Authority parents During this period, the influence of informal groups in the immediate environment may weaken, and, on the contrary, increase, which increases the likelihood of antisocial behavior.

At the same time, intensive social development of the individual, a sense of independence and adulthood occurs. The emergence of a sense of adulthood, the desire to be and be considered an adult is a core personality trait teenager. During this period, special importance is attached to interpersonal communication. If teenager relationships with the class do not work out; then he begins to seek communication outside the classroom, school and often finds himself in the most unfavorable conditions.

Timely detected deviations in children’s behavior and teenagers and right organized pedagogical assistance can play an important role in preventing situations that could lead to offenses and crimes.

The following stages of bowing behavior are distinguished: teenagers:

Disapproved behavior - behavior associated with pranks, mischief, disobedience, restlessness, stubbornness;

Condemned behavior is behavior that causes more or less condemnation from others, teachers, parents(episodic violations of discipline, cases of pugnacity, rudeness, insolence, dishonesty);

Deviant behavior is morally negative actions and deeds that have become systematic or habitual (deceit, pretense, hypocrisy, selfishness, conflict, aggressiveness, theft, etc.);

Pre-criminal behavior is behavior that carries the beginnings of criminal and destructive behavior (episodic deliberate violations of norms and requirements governing the behavior and relationships of people in society, hooliganism, beatings, extortion, drinking alcohol, malicious violations of discipline and generally accepted rules of conduct, etc.. d.);

- illegal or criminal behavior - behavior associated with various offenses and crimes.

Signs of troubled children may include: be:

1. Avoidance of studies due to:

– poor performance in most subjects;

– retardation in intellectual development;

– orientation to other types of activities;

– lack of cognitive interests.

2. Low social and labor activity:

– refusal of public assignments;

– disdainful attitude towards class affairs;

– demonstrative refusal to participate in labor affairs;

– disdain for public property, its damage.

3. Negative manifestations:

– drinking alcoholic beverages;

– use of psychotropic and toxic substances;

– craving for gambling;

– smoking;

– unhealthy sexual behavior.

4. Negativism in assessing reality.

5. Increased criticism towards teachers and adults:

– rudeness;

– absenteeism;

– absences from classes;

– lack of discipline in lessons;

– beating the weak, the younger;

– extortion;

– cruelty to animals;

– theft;

- public order disturbance;

- unmotivated actions.

6. Attitude towards educational events:

– indifferent;

– skeptical;

– negative;

– fierce.

Early prevention child delinquency.

Measures crime prevention, used in the early stages, This: identification of a dysfunctional upbringing and poor living conditions of a child, the formation of values ​​and views in a minor even before they have developed; identification and elimination of sources of negative impact on teenagers, which can contribute to antisocial thinking and further committing offenses committed by a child; corrective and restraining influence on a minor with socially dangerous behavior. Methods prevention crimes at this stage include myself: forecasting, which is based on changes in the personal characteristics of children - offenders and conditions in which they violate the law; analysis of statistical data, which allows us to determine a number of general signs indicating deviations in the formation of the personality of minors.

Relapse Prevention offenses committed by a child If the child has previously committed offense, is registered with the juvenile affairs authorities, then special measures can and should be applied to him prevention preventing relapse. This level preventive measures include: correction and re-education of a minor who has previously committed a violation of the law; eliminating sources of negative impact on teenage delinquent. How early prevention and prevention of relapse offenses carried out using various methods and techniques depending on the situation. For example, prevention crimes at school, which is of a general nature, may consist of holding special open lessons with psychologists and childcare workers invited to the conversation correctional institutions, juvenile investigators


If you are a person who lives not only in the past, but also in the present, while trying to look into the future, listen to our advice.

1. Remember that your family and your child are the greatest value of your life!

2. Don’t think that your family will never leave you, don’t leave it on your list "big and important" cases for "Then".

3. Make sure that your communication with your child after returning from work is as intense as possible.

4. Do not transfer your work troubles to communication with your own child.

5. Be interested not only in the notes in the diary, try to evaluate and find out his state of mind, impressions of the day he lived, from communication with friends and peers.

6. If you have some free time, spend it getting to know and chat with your child's friends.

7. Don’t waste your evenings watching TV, unnecessary phone calls, rather hug your child and whisper with him about the most important, dear and intimate things for both him and you!

8. Talk about your experiences at the age your child is now.

9. Study your child, get to know his inner world on time, be afraid of being late!

10. Be attentive and observant, pay attention to any changes in your child’s behavior.

11. Don’t cut your child off mid-sentence, rush to listen to him.

12. Try to talk openly and frankly with your child about the most sensitive topics.

13. Be wary of your child receiving information from someone else.

14. Don't speak negatively about the experiences you had growing up. The child will experience them from your position and perceive them the way you perceived them.

15. During puberty, it is important for boys to receive support and approval from their mothers, and for girls from their fathers.

16. Try to protect your child in every possible way if he needs it.

17. Never forget that you need to trust your child.

18. Don't push your child away or brush him off, give him the opportunity to hug you and cuddle with you. This gives him an emotional charge for a new day, new meetings, gives him a feeling of happiness and confidence in the future. Don't deprive him of this joy!

19. Let your child understand that you need him, that he is not a burden, but a joy, no matter how difficult it is financially and morally in your life.

20. Remember! By depriving your child of the joy of communicating with you today, you are depriving yourself of communicating with him in old age!

Remember - boomerangs tend to come back!

Consultation for parents on the prevention of delinquency in preschool children

“What should parents do?

so that the child does not get into trouble.”

The changes taking place in modern society contribute to the emergence of many problems associated with raising children. Unfortunately, every year the number of preschoolers whose aggressive and conflictual actions are surprising at best is growing. Unacceptable antisocial actions, lack of interest in learning, inability to communicate in a group of children - all these are signs of a “difficult” child.

First of all, the social causes of deviant behavior in young children include a dysfunctional family environment. The concept of “family dysfunction” includes various negative characteristics: intrafamily relationships, defects in its quantitative, structural and age-gender composition, connections of household members with various external social institutions (for example, with representatives of a kindergarten).

Numerous studies have shown that dysfunctional families are characterized by the following types of inadequate parenting:

    hidden neglect (parents perform their duties purely formally); condoning neglect (adults do not criticize the child’s abnormal behavior in any way); excessive severity and exactingness towards the baby; emotional rejection; overprotection and excessive unreasonable admiration for the child.

An unfavorable family environment and inadequate methods of education, lack of a common language with parents, inability to establish relationships with others - all this can become a prerequisite for the manifestation of deviant behavior in a preschool child.

It is important to take care of your child's emotional well-being first.

In studies of the emotional state of preschool children, a consistently positive, comfortable emotional state of the child is considered as a basic one, which is the basis of the child’s entire attitude to the world and influences the characteristics of experiencing a family situation, the cognitive sphere, the emotional-volitional, style of experiencing stressful situations, and relationships with peers. Generally speaking, this basic emotional state is characterized as a feeling of emotional well-being. There are three main levels of emotional well-being: high, medium and low, correlating with the type of maternal-child interaction and its severity. A high level of emotional well-being is formed through an emotionally accepting and supportive type of interaction. Various forms of emotionally dependent and emotionally rejecting types of interaction and the degree of their severity produce an average or low level of emotional well-being of the child.

A high level of emotional well-being is formed through an emotionally accepting and supportive type of interaction. A high level of emotional development is usually understood as: the desire to communicate and interact for a long time; successful participation in collective affairs, successful fulfillment of leadership and passive roles, the ability to resolve conflict, give in or insist on one’s own, recognition and adequate implementation of the rules proposed by adults, a caring attitude towards the world of people’s feelings and the objective world, the ability to occupy oneself, possession of adequate methods expressing one’s inner state, etc.

In Russian psychology, the emphasis has traditionally been on the child’s emotional experiences in interactions with adults. The mother was initially viewed as a source of stimulation, providing satisfaction to the need for impressions. In the first weeks of life, the mother’s behavior (the manifestation of positive emotions in interaction with the child) ensures the emergence, based on the need for impressions, of the need for communication (in the form of emotional interaction) and her followers consider the need for communication to be an independent need, but also arising during the neonatal period based on active influence of an adult. By showing his emotional attitude, the adult forms in the child the need for emotional interaction, which is the content of the first form of communication - situational and personal. Emotional deprivation of a child at this age leads to delays and distortions in the development of not only communication, but also the entire emotional and personal sphere. The main attention is paid to the structure and content of the child’s emotional sphere, although the influence of his emotional state on the development of the cognitive sphere is not denied. The role of emotional communication in the prevention and treatment of deprivation consequences (hospitalism and its milder forms) consists not only in the development of communication itself and all other forms of activity (which are the main subject of research), but also in the formation and maintenance of a stable, prosperous (or rather - emotional-positive) state of the child.

It is important for parents to remember that children should not be in public places unaccompanied by adults:

Up to 7 years – 24 hours a day;

From 7 to 14 years old – from 21:00;

From 14 to 18 years old – from 22 o’clock.

Parents are responsible for this.

Think about your example

It is difficult to imagine that anyone will believe the advice of a parent who himself abuses smoking, drinking alcohol, and so on. Do not forget that even such “innocent” vices require explanation to the child.

The child learns

What does he see in his home?

Who is rude in front of his wife and children,

Who loves the language of debauchery,

Let him remember that he will receive more than

Everything that teaches them comes from them.

Where the abbot is not the enemy of wine,

All the brethren are drunk and drunk.

It was not the wolf who raised the sheep,

The crayfish's gait was given by his father.

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds

And for the words: easy to push

Children on a bad path.

Keep your house tidy

So as not to repent later.

A six-year-old child is very emotional: feelings dominate all aspects of his life, giving them a special coloring. He is full of expression - his feelings flare up quickly and brightly. A six-year-old child, of course, already knows how to be restrained and can hide fear, aggression and tears. But this happens when it is very, very necessary. The strongest and most important source of a child’s experiences is his relationships with other people - adults and children. The need for positive emotions from other people determines the child’s behavior. This need gives rise to complex multifaceted feelings: love, jealousy, sympathy, envy, etc. When close adults love a child, treat him well, recognize his rights, and are constantly attentive to him, he experiences emotional well-being - a feeling of confidence and security. In these conditions, a cheerful, physically and mentally active child develops. Emotional well-being contributes to the normal development of a child’s personality, the development of positive qualities, and a friendly attitude towards other people. It is in conditions of mutual love in the family that the child begins to learn love himself. A feeling of love and tenderness for loved ones, primarily for parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, shapes the child as a psychologically healthy person.

GU TO SRCN No. 2, Beleva

Tula region

Memo for parents.

Raising teenagers is never easy. It seems that today the world is spinning faster and the previous scale of education does not matter. Our generation of youth is in a severe struggle in life and great mental stress. Young people who have not found themselves in the current reality do not always establish themselves through legal means and methods. This means that children need the love of adults more than ever!

The job of parents is to warn teenagers about the dangers of playing with the law. Whatever happens to their son or daughter, parents, first of all, must analyze their own mistakes and shortcomings. This is rationality in the relationship between adults and children - the basis of family education.

Prepared by:

Tinkova Tatyana Ivanovna.

October, 2017.

Reasons why teenagers most often commit crimes:

1. Teenagers do not have due respect for the law.

2. Due to the lack of control on the part of parents, a teenager often commits illegal acts: drinks alcohol, participates in fights, insults others.

3. Often, due to the lack of employment of young people, illegal actions are committed out of boredom and idleness.


1. Do not allow children and adolescents to be in public places unaccompanied


Up to 7 years – 24 hours a day;

From 7 to 14 years old – from 21:00 to 6:00 am;

From 14 to 18 years old – from 22 hours to 6 hours.

2. Do not allow minors to be in Internet rooms or gaming rooms during school hours

clubs, cafes, bars, restaurants, cinemas and other entertainment establishments.

3. Do not allow unaccompanied children and adolescents to stay in public catering establishments where alcoholic beverages are consumed.

Tips for parents:

1. Talk to your child: If there is no communication, you become distant from each other.

2. Know how to listen - carefully, with understanding, without interrupting or insisting on your own.

4. Be close: It is important that children understand that the door to you is open, and there is always an opportunity to be and talk with you.

5. Be firm and consistent: do not set conditions that you cannot fulfill. Your child should know what to expect from you.

6. Try to do everything together, plan common interesting things: you need to develop the child’s interests as actively as possible in order to give him an alternative if he suddenly has to make a choice, where one of the proposed options would be a cigarette, a drug, or an offer to commit an illegal act.

7. Communicate with his friends; a teenager often behaves in one way or another, being influenced by his environment.

8. Remember that the child needs your support: help him believe in himself.

9. Set an example: alcohol, tobacco, medications – their use is common, although it can cause problems (for example, alcoholism). All these substances are legal, but how you use them and what place they occupy in your life is an example for your children. Don't be intimidating, they may stop believing you.

10. Do not unnecessarily protect teenagers from family problems, both psychological (even if an accident occurs, someone’s illness or death - this strengthens the soul and makes it more sensitive) and material (this teaches you to find a way out). A teenager needs positive and negative emotions.

11. For the successful development of a child, it is useful to occasionally deny him something, limit his desires, thereby preparing him to overcome similar situations in the future. It is the ability to cope with troubles that helps a teenager develop as an individual. The role of an adult is, first of all, to help a child become an adult, that is, to teach him to confront reality, and not run away from it. By fencing off a child from the real world, even with the best intentions, parents deprive him of the opportunity to gain life experience and find his own path.

3. Children are raised in a family where parents (other legal representatives) negatively influence their behavior (upbringing is antisocial in nature);

What is meant: when a child is introduced to alcoholic beverages, non-medical use of narcotic, toxic, psychotropic and other potent, intoxicating substances; the parents of a minor lead an immoral lifestyle (abuse alcohol, engage in prostitution, etc.); parents were brought to administrative responsibility for committing a number of offenses.

4. Children become victims of physical, mental, sexual or other types of violence.

What is meant: insult and humiliation of the child’s dignity, presenting excessive demands to the child, one-time gross mental impact that caused mental trauma in the child, etc.

5. Children commit crimes and other antisocial acts.

What is meant: the child violates discipline, absences from classes at the educational institution increase; asocial connections of a minor, vagrancy, committing actions entailing administrative or criminal liability, and the child being registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate are observed.

6. Children are in unfavorable conditions, extreme life situations.

What is meant: a minor is in a family in a situation of conflict, with the presence of stress factors: unemployment, parasitism, financial problems, an unbearable moral atmosphere; facts of cruel treatment of a minor by peers, adults have been revealed, as well as when a minor has suffered as a result of an accident, catastrophe, disaster, the child is left to his own devices, has no place of residence or place of stay.

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How are families in SOP identified?

At the beginning of each school year, as a rule, the class teacher or preschool teacher visits the families of their students to study the living conditions and upbringing of each of them.

Sometimes families can be visited by a committee: a class teacher or a preschool group teacher, a social teacher, an educational psychologist, a local inspector.

Particular attention is paid to information coming from various sources (neighbors, relatives, completely random people, anonymous people, the education department, the clinic, the housing department, the correctional department, the administrative department, etc.). The information must be verified. Based on the results of the visit to the minor and his family, an act of inspection of the living conditions and upbringing of the minor is drawn up.

Is it possible to see the inspection report?

Lawyers point out that the act of examining the living conditions and upbringing of a minor must be drawn up only in the presence of legal representatives. Representatives of government agencies have no right to refuse to familiarize themselves with the inspection report.

If you are still denied this, you can send a written appeal to the head of the government agency describing the situation and (or) asking for a copy of the inspection report for your review.

The decision to recognize SOP based on the results of an inspection report is made by the council of the institution for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency (in schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, auxiliary schools, auxiliary boarding schools, evening schools, vocational schools, secondary educational institutions) or the pedagogical council (in preschool institutions, social pedagogical institutions).

The parents (or persons replacing them) of the minor must be invited to the council meeting.

Is it possible to appeal the decision to recognize the SOP?

The decision to recognize a minor as being in a socially dangerous situation can be appealed by legal representatives to the education department (department) of the Minsk City Executive Committee (regional executive committee) at the place where the decision was made, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the prosecutor's office or to the court.

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What assistance can a family in SOP qualify for?

After the decision is made, an individual work plan is drawn up, both with the minor and with his parents, which is approved by the head of the educational institution.

Families in the SOP provide the necessary assistance. For example, observation and consultation of an educational psychologist, a social educator, conducting workshops, lectures, conversations, involving children in clubs, sections, parents in clubs, consultation for parents from an educational psychologist, doctor, lawyer, law enforcement agencies, psychotherapeutic assistance children and parents.

Financial assistance can be expressed in the provision of free meals in a garden or school, in the organization of free health improvement in camps.

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Can a decision to recognize a child who is in the special needs system be overturned?

Parents have the right to file a petition to cancel the decision to recognize the child as a child with special needs if they believe that the reasons that led to such status have disappeared.

The petition is sent to the pedagogical council or the council of an educational institution for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

What happens if the situation with the child does not change? Can a child be taken away from the family?

After the child is recognized as being in the SOP, quarterly inspectors analyze the work done and decide whether to work with the family further according to plan or prepare a petition to the commission on juvenile affairs to recognize the child as a minor. those in need of state protection.

As a rule, for at least six months they try to “bring this family to its senses”, giving them a chance to correct the situation: change the parents’ attitude towards life, motivate them to look for work, improve living conditions, get rid of addictions, improve relationships with loved ones.

And only when there is no result can the child be recognized as in need of state protection and a decision be made to take him away from his parents and place him on state support.

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In paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 24, 2006 No. 18 (as amended on February 23, 2012) “On additional measures for state protection of children in dysfunctional families,” the following are indicated as the grounds for removing a child from their family of origin: parents lead immoral lifestyles that have a harmful effect on children, are chronic alcoholics or drug addicts, or otherwise improperly fulfill their responsibilities for raising and supporting children , and therefore they are in a socially dangerous situation.

Within three days the commission makes a decision on recognizing the child as in need of state protection, on taking the child away from his parents (only parent), establishing the status of children left without parental care, and on placing the child on state support. Within six months after the child is taken away, a decision is made: to return the child to the parents if the reasons that served as the basis for the removal of the child have disappeared, or to file a lawsuit to deprive the parents (the only parent) of parental rights.

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