Green salad with chicken Salad with green salad and chicken


Green salad with chicken Salad with green salad and chicken Text: Evgeniya Bagma Healthy food not only can, but should also be tasty! For example, a green salad with chicken is a storehouse of protein and vitamins in one hearty and appetizing dish. The benefits of green salad with chicken Green salad with chicken is a hit this summer! Diets

UlSTU's admissions campaign is in full swing!


UlSTU's admissions campaign is in full swing! On the eve of the start of entrance examinations, applicants and their parents are interested in changes in the processes of passing exams and accepting documents to universities. We asked the executive secretary of the admissions committee Oksana V to answer questions about admission to UlSTU

Visions of saints during the liturgy


Visions of saints during the liturgy One day, Elder Niphon, having prayed to God in the evening, lay down to rest on the stones as usual. It was midnight and he couldn’t sleep. Looking at the sky and stars, at the pure light of the moon, he began to think about his sins and about the approaching day of the Lord’s Judgment. Suddenly the sky began to swarm

Distance learning at Far Eastern Federal University


Distance learning at Far Eastern Federal University The FEFU Center for the Development of Supplementary and Online Education Programs recruits the following persons for training: those with secondary general education (grade 11); having secondary vocational education; with higher education Duration of study at

Dietary royal cheesecake


Dietary royal cheesecake It would seem that you will never get tired of cottage cheese baking. It is always light, taking into account that the structure is not at all porous, like yeast dough. This royal cheesecake with cottage cheese is somewhat reminiscent of cheesecake. But I warn you right away that the body is a cheesecake

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